how would you go about 'socializing' a puppy?

I am getting an <a href="">alaskan klee kai</a> in a few months and it says the breed can be standoffish to strangers If not properly socialied when a puppy. I'm just curious what types of things can I do to make sure he won't be mean and bite other dogs and be weird…

    how would you go about 'socializing' a puppy?

    I am getting an <a href="">alaskan klee kai</a> in a few months and it says the breed can be standoffish to strangers If not properly socialied when a puppy. I'm just curious what types of things can I do to make sure he won't be mean and bite other dogs and be weird…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : how would you go about 'socializing' a puppy?...

    • how would you go about 'socializing' a puppy?

      how would you go about 'socializing' a puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
      I am getting an alaskan klee kai in a few months and it says the breed can be standoffish to strangers If not properly socialied when a puppy. I'm just curious what types of things can I do to make sure he won't be mean and bite other dogs and be weird towards strangers. Any help would be grateful, thanks!

      how would you go about 'socializing' a puppy?

      how would you go about 'socializing' a puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Definatley register him in some puppy obedience classes when he has all his shots. Thats one of the best ways to socialize with other people and dogs because they play games with it.Have lots of guests over to visit, take him to dog friendly stores, parks, public places, lots of car rides. Bring treats with you and have people give them to him. Make sure that you only expose him to trusted friendly dogs....getting attacked can make things alot more difficult.If your puppy shows signs of not comfort him, just move on and ignore or take a step back. Comforting him will just reward him for his fearful behavior.

    • Sometimes on random days people schedule a puppy play date where anyone can come. They put dogs in a pen so they can all play together and stuff. Just Google 'puppy play date in (whichever city you live in)' and you can just go there on the scheduled date and time.

    • Take the dog to a once weekly puppy class (the purpose if which is to socialize and teach very basic commands, as well as introduce new owners to proper care), then graduate to basic obedience. Take your puppy wherever dogs are allowed and bring treats with you. Ask anyone that wants to pet your puppy to give a treat or 2 and give praise in an excited voice. Dog parks are also great because you can socialize with people and dogs at the same time! All of these things will teach your puppy to associate humans and other dogs with good things - praise in the form of love and treats. Make sure you use a leash at all times when out and about to ensure complete control of all situation. The exception would be the dog park of course, once your puppy feels comfortable there.

    • when you go on walks just ask everyone if they will pet it, explain what you are doing....trying to socialize the dog and they may pet it. expose it to all types of people and have everyone pet on it and take it around animals. The more exposure they get the better. take it to parks and around kids especially.

    • just be sure to walk him daily and introduce him to people and other dogs often. take him to pet stores where you can walk him around and meet other pups. ive even heard of people taking their dog to the grooming salon JUST to socialize their dog! also many cities have dog parks... his puppy years are the most crucial years of his life for socialization. its hard to break if they were not socialized as a pupppy

    • Bring the dogs around a lot of people or diffent people (strangers) often. Also take them to a dog park or puppy classes where they can associate with other dogs.

    • I have a APBT pup. of course they can be dog aggressive if not properly socialized. All I do is take him out to petsmart, parks or anywhere I can take a dog. The key is to put it around as many different environments and things as possible so that nothing startles it and that no matter what people do around it , it doesn't get scared or jumpy. Good luck.

    • As soon as you get the pup, also register for puppy classes. He needs the puppy play. Take him to the park and allow him to meet other dogs while walking on a leash. Bicycles, strang walkers, roller bladers, skateboarders, etc. This also explains what your puppy will need from you and other dogs as your puppy grows. sure you know the difference between aggression and an appropriate response to rudeness. the articles: a forum for dog owners:

    • Hi there, AKKAOA has several informative brochures listed on their website, one is 12 Steps to Puppy Socialization.Go to several different puppy classes and obedience classes.Take your puppy everywhere that allows dogs. Give strangers a couple of doggy treats and ask them to offer them to your puppy.Many of your dog training centers will have puppy day care and puppy/dog play times. - Meet and Greets :)Best of luck with your puppy... May I ask where are you getting your AKK?If I can be of any further assistance just yell...AKKTerry