What are some differences between these 2 dogs?

<a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/10-alaskan-malamute/?s=b373a4d1108c76e0a09b469b526e09e8ba66304c">Alaskan Malamute</a> and the Siberian HuskyI wanna get one but don't know which. They are very similar. I would like an aggressive one. Would there be a problem if I breaded those 2? Would would result of me breeding them?

    What are some differences between these 2 dogs?

    <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/10-alaskan-malamute/?s=b373a4d1108c76e0a09b469b526e09e8ba66304c">Alaskan Malamute</a> and the Siberian HuskyI wanna get one but don't know which. They are very similar. I would like an aggressive one. Would there be a problem if I breaded those 2? Would would result of me breeding them?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What are some differences between these 2 dogs?...