At what age do Huskies start blowing their coat?

I have a 3 month old Siberian Husky/<a href="">Alaskan Malamute</a> and I know these dogs can shed all year round and blow their coats twice a year, but at what age do they actually start blowing their coats? When we first got her (about a month ago) she hardly shed,…

    At what age do Huskies start blowing their coat?

    I have a 3 month old Siberian Husky/<a href="">Alaskan Malamute</a> and I know these dogs can shed all year round and blow their coats twice a year, but at what age do they actually start blowing their coats? When we first got her (about a month ago) she hardly shed,…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : At what age do Huskies start blowing their coat?...

    • At what age do Huskies start blowing their coat?

      At what age do Huskies start blowing their coat? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a 3 month old Siberian Husky/Alaskan Malamute and I know these dogs can shed all year round and blow their coats twice a year, but at what age do they actually start blowing their coats? When we first got her (about a month ago) she hardly shed, but just yesterday after I put on new sheets she layed on my bed for 15-20 min. & I noticed when she got off that there was a bunch of fur on my bed. I rubbed my hands on my bed and made a small ball of fur out of what I collected. I do brush her at least once a week and there won't be that much hair on the brush, but when I brushed her after noticing all the fur her brush was full of fur. She doesn't look like she's balding and her coat still seems full. I live in Hawaii and maybe the warm climate is the cause? I don't know. It's around low-mid 80's F during the day and mid 70's F at night. Could she be blowing her coat at this young age or is this kind of shedding normal?

      At what age do Huskies start blowing their coat?

      At what age do Huskies start blowing their coat? Dog Breed Discussions
    • as the adult coat comes in, u will notice more and more shedding. she will probably need to be brushed more than once a week. sunlight also plays an important role: so long as she gets enough, she will only have a major shed twice a year. an advanced diet also helps limit shedding. but do realize, she needs lots of time in cold air (air conditioning) and can't handle tons of heat because of the dense coat she does/will have.

    • it is normal,my husky seems to shed several times a yr. at least there is clumps of hair all over the place.your pup will shed now until his full coat comes in, then the cycle will start again with the changing seasons. to keep the skin and coat nice and gleaming,add a little olive oil in his food everyday,just a tsp will do. his skin will be healthy also.good luck with your snow dog! mine loves the cold weather here in canada, the heat in the summer causes him to break out with skin sores and he has an allergy to grass and pollen.hawaii would't be a good climate for him.enjoy your pup

    • Huskies have what is called a double coat. There is a layer of undercoat and a top coat or guard hairs. The undercoat is what is shedding. You should never see and true balding because they shouldnt lose the guard hair. Double coated breeds will shed year round with 2 big blows usually in the spring and summer. She could start now, but I think that what you are seeing is just normal shedding. Watch out in the spring for a LOT of hair! The fact that you brush her weekly will keep her coat healthy and will keep the big blow lower in volume at one time. When you notice that your brush is VERY full with hair more than 2 times at one brushing, start brushing her daily. Her undercoat will start tufting out when it is ready to come out. Brush her out REALLY good and give her a warm water bath. Then dry her and brush her out even moreHope this helps.

    • I can't give you a specific age, but it sounds like your Husky is just doing the typical shedding. It is completely normal. You will know when she is blowing. It will come out in clumps! She will also start looking a bit "fatter". The hair will be much thicker. After you've had her for a while you will be able to pick up when she is starting to blow. Mine actually gets darker and lighter as the seasons change. I don't know what kind of brush you are using but I would recommend and undercoat rake and a shedding blade. Regular brushes won't get that hair out. I live in Jacksonville, Florida and my Husky started blowing his coat a few weeks ago. He is almost 5 years old.