How can I make my dog stop licking my other dogs ears?

Your dog might have ear mites. my dog does the same thing. here is a list of clues for ear infection too so you don't have to call the vet. I would tape the dog on the nose and say NO.-sour smell (I know disgusting but you gotta do it (smell the…

    How can I make my dog stop licking my other dogs ears?

    Your dog might have ear mites. my dog does the same thing. here is a list of clues for ear infection too so you don't have to call the vet. I would tape the dog on the nose and say NO.-sour smell (I know disgusting but you gotta do it (smell the…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I make my dog stop licking my other dogs ears?...

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    • How can I make my dog stop licking my other dogs ears?

      How can I make my dog stop licking my other dogs ears? General Dog Discussions
      Your dog might have ear mites. my dog does the same thing. here is a list of clues for ear infection too so you don't have to call the vet. I would tape the dog on the nose and say NO.-sour smell (I know disgusting but you gotta do it (smell the ear))-dirty-warm or hot-and sensitive (dog won't let you touch it)And sometimes it is normal for dogs to lick other dogs ears (my vet told me this one)

      How can I make my dog stop licking my other dogs ears?

      How can I make my dog stop licking my other dogs ears? General Dog Discussions
    • Most dogs will lick the eyes and ears of their pals so just let them, if the dog that is being washed gets annoyed they will tell them off. Mine enjoy having their friend wash them. If it really bothers you you could spray Bitter Apple on your other dogs' ears so they taste bad but it is normal dog behavior.

    • The one dog is licking the other dogs ears and/or lips to show submission to the one being licked. They are showing who is "top dog" so to speak. So correcting the behavior could cause some confusion to the dogs. Your dogs should be trained to sit/lay/stay so have them lay apart from each other by a few feet. Praise them for staying there, treat them. OR when the licking begins, gently seperate the submissive one (licker) from the dominant one (lickee), tell the submissive one "no - no lick" and when he complies - give praise and a treat. Now make sure you make the other one do something so that it can also earn the much desired praise/treat.

    • As long as they aren't fighting when the licking starts then I would just let him lick the other doggies ears! BUT if they start biting and fighting due to all the licking I would probably pop the little licker dog on the nose (lightly) and say "NO" every time he licked the other dogs ears. I used to be a nanny for a family and their dog, Ike, was tongue happy, he would sit on peoples laps and lick them in the face constantly! It was so annoying but he was just trying to love on us!

    • Our dog has recently taken to licking our other dogs ears incessantly! It's annoying pretty quickly. We have had both dogs checked for ear infections, both are clear. How can I make my dog stop licking the other dogs ear? Please help!

    • Your best bet is to simply separate them for a while when this happens. Walls and/or doors may be necessary, but perhaps just a few feet will be enough. Always calmly separate them when this happens. It's not something to be punished, and correction should be a simple round of "distance".