How to convince my mother that Pitbulls are not bad dogs?

I don't think your going to do that any time to soon!! pit bulls are the worse dogs ever that's all they can do is attack one killed my cat

    How to convince my mother that Pitbulls are not bad dogs?

    I don't think your going to do that any time to soon!! pit bulls are the worse dogs ever that's all they can do is attack one killed my cat...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How to convince my mother that Pitbulls are not bad dogs?...

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    • How to convince my mother that Pitbulls are not bad dogs?

      How to convince my mother that Pitbulls are not bad dogs? Dog Breed Discussions
      I don't think your going to do that any time to soon!! pit bulls are the worse dogs ever that's all they can do is attack one killed my cat

      How to convince my mother that Pitbulls are not bad dogs?

      How to convince my mother that Pitbulls are not bad dogs? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Unfortunately there may be no way to convince her, unless you introduced her to one and even then she may just be scared. All of these people have good points about them being genetically aggressive etc. But my bfs 2 6 month pits are the 2 friendliest dogs of any breed I've ever met. They love all people,kids,other dogs of all sizes,and even cats! BUT I would never own a pit bull myself, I babysit his and I know the breed inside and out now because my bf is experienced with them. I would never own one because I am a small girl and while any well trained and well socialized Pittie would be a dream to have, they tend to be too strong and too high energy for my liking, and that I believe, is where things go wrong. People get them because of their looks and history to make them be tough gaurd dogs and they usually leave them unaltered which can cause a lot of problems because then you've got backyard breeders etc. that produce more aggressive puppies that go out to people that don't know anything about the dog or its their first dog, which a pit bull should never be for anyone. I have Never heard of a spayed/neutered inside pit bull that is spoiled and happy with a responsible vigilant owner attacking anyone. My bfs 2 pits are both females, and they have gotten in some bad scuffles for the alpha position, and that's a scary thing but my bf is actually experienced with them and the fights are broken up and resolved in a matter of seconds to where they are fine again. We plan on having them spayed to reduce the risk of anything like I just stated happening. These dogs are the Best for experienced people only.

    • You can't change someones mind and you shouldn't try to. Besides, since you live with your mother, you won't be getting a pitbull, because she doesn't like them.BTW, if you were my kid, I would say no to a pitbull too. Sorry, they can be dog aggressive, they are strong dogs and many insurance companies will not give homeowners insurance to people who own pits. Also, there are many counties in the U.S., where they are banned. It doesn't help that there are so many poorly bred pits, that don't have good stable temperments.Oh and it's Chihuahua. Forget about the dog, stay in school.

    • Your mom's home, your mom's rules. As long as you live with her, you don't get a dog she doesn't want in her house."How to convince my mother that Pitbulls are not bad dogs?"You can't, when twice a month she reads in the papers that a pit bull has killed another human being, and more often than that reads about maimings (like the story today that you fought over).And until you admit to yourself that *some* pit bulls ARE bad, you're not being realistic. Your mom had a legitimate fear, and having you scoff at her won't do either of you one bit of good.And quit parroting the line "it's the owner's fault on how they train them". Most of the time the attacks are by *genetically* unstable pits, being bred by complete idiots who actually believe that human-aggression in their dogs is a positive thing.

    • Point her to some real facts, and show her stories of other breeds attacking people, or point her towards the ATTS. Pitbulls rank fourth among the LEAST likely dog to develope aggression and attack other people OR dogs. Here is a long list of Pitbull facts;-Pitbulls are one of the most common breeds, second only to retrievers, and some recent studies can argue that they are the most common breed now. With such huge numbers, of course you'll see more "pitbull" bites then something more obscure like a klee-kai.-"pitbull" isn't a single breed. It's a collab of breeds that include pretty much every floppy-eared dog with wide smiles. This can mean boxers, American bulldogs, American pitbull terriers/staffordshires, Cane Corso, and so on. Depending on some areas, labs fall under the "pit-type" breed. -Most news source and other media tend to change the breed of dog that attacked. For excample, a recent attack of a golden retriever that killed a child (when the duo where left alone in the whole house no less.) and some actual newspappers changed the breed from "family golden retriever" to "pit-type" dog. When called out on this error, made the bogus claim that pink noses are only found in pitbulls.-There has NEVER been a country or county that BSL has succeeded in. In fact, most places with BSL in place have seen an INCREASE in dog attacks. This is because BSL restricts proper training and crucial socialization of a dog in question. -BSL does not impact only "pit-type" dogs, and some places ban over 80 breeds. -EVERY dog breed out there has been used in a dog fight. Huskies are just as common as pit-type breeds. This makes the pitbull are naturally dog-aggressive argument invalid. -There has NEVER been a report of a neutered indoor pitbull killing anyone. -Most dog bites happen when a child and dog is left unnattended, the dog is left outside most of it's life, the dog is injured/has a health problem, or a female in heat is nearby. No dog suddenly turns aggressive. There are always hints and signs, but some people are too ignorant of dogs to notice them. -The news do NOT report facts. They report only what'll get them an audiance. Which sounds more shocking; "Neglected outdoor mixed-bred kills abusive teen" or "family pitbull kills child"? According to society, the latter is the way to go.-Recent studies have proven over and over that pitbulls are not even in the top ten of aggressive dogs. They're not even in the top 50! The most aggressive dog is actually the dachshund, followed by the chihuahua. Toy breeds dictate the aggressive dog list. -ANY dog can kill, even a toy breed. Not too long ago, a pomeranian killed an infant. The most fatal thing about dog bite's is not usually the blood lost or pain during the attack, but the infection that occurs later if the bite isn't treated immediately. -Of the THOUSANDS of "pit bulls" out there, only ~30 attacks have been reported last year, and vets and doctors claim that over half of those reports are actually done by other breeds. Even if all 30 attacks where pit-type dogs, that means less then 1% have attacked someone. -Pitbulls have an above average passing rate of the ATTS. They are among the top five for most well-behaved and friendly dogs according to ATTS.Take her to a shelter, and ask to foster or volunteer. Let her get up close and personal to an actual Pitbull, and she'll quickly realize that they are generally the nicest dog's around.

    • Pit Bull is TWO words. Genetics play a HUGE part in a dog. Labs are suppose to be really friendly dogs. I know one who was bought from a BYB and it turned out to be Aggressive to people and other animals. It is not how they are raised or trained that make a dog, it is about their Genetics. That is why it is So important to buy from reputable breeders.American Pit Bull Terriers are Naturally Aggressive to other animals. They are NOT aggressive to people. Any human aggressive Pit Bull Terrier was killed if they shown any aggression to people in the fight ring, so No they are not human Aggressive. They are also not the Strongest dog. I know plenty of breeds who are stronger. A pit bulls bite also isn't the strongest. Rottweilers and German Shepherds have a stronger bite than the American Pit Bull terrier. As do mastiffs and many other breeds. They make GREAT family pets. They LOVE children and IF raised well, can get along with other animals. Mine did. You cant change your mothers opinion, with out showing her a real Pit Bull Terrier in person. All you can do is give her the facts about them. Research them. Human aggression and people aggression are two COMPLETELY different things.ADD: However you should ONLY get one if you are experienced with handling dogs like this or this breed and you know your breed really well. You cant change your moms mind. It might be a good thing she said no because neither of you are ready to own this breed yet. Genetics play a HUGE part in a dog. Since Pit Bull Terriers are the MOST overbred dog in the world, It is REALLY hard to find a reputable breeder, breeding for Temperament and health. Good luck finding a breeder like that. Find another breed your mom and you like. Maybe something like a Lab or Retriever.ADD: Helen and Julie make great points. Some Pit Bulls are Bad because they are genetically made that way. You CANT train genetics out of a dog. It is Nearly Impossible and I have found no one that has done that before. That is why it is so important, again, buying from a reputable breeder.

    • If you have a dog use it as an example and show her that it is nice or mean. Then show her that a pitbull is exactly the same. And tell her that the dogs have a bad reputation because bad dog owners get them and the dogs become defensive and mean. The dogs that attacked the person, do some research and see that dogs do not attack unless provoked or abused. All dogs have the same behavior or personality when trained the same. That is how all animals are not just dogs. Give examples of good pitbulls look up youtube videos about pitbulls being good and show your mother. That is all I can think of.

    • Pit Bulls (two words) are naturally animal aggressive, but not suppose to be human aggressive. With that said, if you think that your Mom is talking out of her butt, YOU ARE WRONG! There are millions of poorly bred Pit Bulls out there, and their temperament has NOTHING to to with how their trained, for the most part. GENETICS is what makes the *core* of any dog, NOT the way they are raised and trained.I have NO idea what a Chiguagua is, but that's not my point. You are a minor and have NO say in the matter. Your Mother doesn't want a Pit Bull, so you won't be getting one.........end of.And NO, you can't train any dog to be aggressive.......that is pure BS.You sound like a spoiled brat. How about growing up and start respecting your Mother? Stomping your feet and speaking about something you know NOTHING about, just shows your immaturity and lack of knowledge on this subject.

    • Mother knows best. Pit Bulls were bred for decades to be other dog aggressive but people friendly. It was their breed purpose. No other breed of dogs was bred specifically to fight other dogs in pits - hence the name. If they were NOT other dog aggressive, then it would be counter to their breed purpose and they would have been culled. Problem is that in the last few decades, indiscriminate breeders have been breeding these dogs without regard to temperament and have left out the desired trait of their being people friendly. Yes, training or lack thereof, does play a part as does environment, but they are what they are. That's not to say that every Pit Bull is going ready to rip the throat out of the next passerby, but that has happened. Pit Bulls belong in the hands of people who are VERY experienced with the breed - not some young kid who wants to prove his/her dog training skills. Mom wisely said no - so it's no. Pick another breed that she will agree to.ADD: @ Christy - Rachel Ray's dog Isaboo has attacked and mauled at least two other dogs at last count.

    • have her watch "pitbulls and parolees" on animal planet. 95 percent of those pitbulls are the sweetest dogs :D ...yeah i know what you mean ive argued with my mom about that too, she looks at pitbulls like the devil.. i mean come on! its a dog :P ...also, you know racheal ray, the chef? if your mom knows of her, tell her that she has a pet pitbull and says its as sweet as a lamb :D

    • Both you and your mother are *in a way* incorrect."I started talling her that pitbulls are not bad dogs, its the owners fault on how they train them" - That has little to do with it. If a dog attacks a human-it does so because it's unstable. APBT are one of the most badly bred and over bred dogs out there-meaning that dogs who are unstable are being bred and producing more dogs that are unstable. No amount of training can change genetics."But she kept saying pitbulls are naturally agressive and horrible dogs."- APBT are genetically DOG aggressive. It's in their genetics and has always been in their genetics. HOWEVER, APBT are never suppose to be human aggressive. Human aggression and dog aggression are two completely different things. A dog who is dog aggressive is not unstable. With good breeding-Any dog that showed human aggression for this breed was euthanized, they were never bred because these dogs are never suppose to show human aggression. At all.YOU can get an APBT when you have a place of your own that allows the breed-If your mother doesn't want one you should respect her decision and not get one when in her home. Do more research on the breed before then. This site has great information on the breed:

    • Pitbulls are actually right Aline with golden retrievers! I just found that! Pitbulls are VERY smart. I've had 2 that I found, sweetest dogs EVER! They played with my chihuahua and 9 year old Belgian. They're very affectionet to!

    • well pit bulls are naturally aggressive dogs but can be trained but can still bite. but your mom should know just because a dog can bite doesn't mean it will any big dog can attack but doesn't man it will...tell your mom it'll be your responsibility and you'll train it but I would suggest hiring a trainer. explain to her why you want a pitbull and why you deserve one

    • I had a huge fight with my mother today. A huge news on a pitbull attacking a person on the streets became a really big topic. I started talling her that pitbulls are not bad dogs, its the owners fault on how they train them. But she kept saying pitbulls are naturally agressive and horrible dogs. I got so mad jesusI mean come'on. I can train ANY dog to be as agressive as any other. I can take a freaking Chiguagua and train it to attack on sight (knows from expirience that even chiguaguas can be scary). Yeah Pitbulls are the strongest dogs, you can build amazing muscles on them and they look amazing. But that doesn't make them a horrible dog! How the hell can I put this into my mothers brain? I really want to adopt a pitbull...but now I can'tWell I guess NO ONE here really answered my question. First I NEVER said anything about pit bulls being aggressive to other dogs, I'm talking about attacks to humans. Here where I live theres been countless dog attacks and the ones they put in news are always the PIT BULLS. My neighbor got beaten by a german sheperd and had to cut off his hand. This is almost like discrimination you guys are saying that I'm wrong, then what? Pit Bulls arent animals and they should be killed all the time? Then God forbid but then every animal including humans who have a little defect should be killed. None of you are thinking with a open mind. The facts are the facts ANIMALS ARE ANIMALS. We act on how we were raised, have you asked any of the human prisoners how their childhood was? Yeah, horrible. Same with animals, you treat them like trash, they will treat you like trash. Everyone thinks Pit Bulls are the strongest, so people buy them for fights, money and all of that. They become aggressiv