How can I get my pitbull puppy to listen to me?

they keys are obedience training, consistency, and be dominant over the dog. The thing about pits are that they are typically very strong willed which is the beauty of the breed. You have to make sure you let your dog know YOU are in charge EVERYTIME he…

    How can I get my pitbull puppy to listen to me?

    they keys are obedience training, consistency, and be dominant over the dog. The thing about pits are that they are typically very strong willed which is the beauty of the breed. You have to make sure you let your dog know YOU are in charge EVERYTIME he…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can I get my pitbull puppy to listen to me?...

    • How can I get my pitbull puppy to listen to me?

      How can I get my pitbull puppy to listen to me? Dog Breed Discussions
      they keys are obedience training, consistency, and be dominant over the dog. The thing about pits are that they are typically very strong willed which is the beauty of the breed. You have to make sure you let your dog know YOU are in charge EVERYTIME he tries to challenge your authority. They are also very loyal and he is young so at this point i wouldn't worry to much. Get on the obedience training asap because that helps teach the dog to obey your commands. Thats more important than your dog actually being able to sit stay come ect. on command. If you have anymore question just ask me.

      How can I get my pitbull puppy to listen to me?

      How can I get my pitbull puppy to listen to me? Dog Breed Discussions
    • You need to show your pitty puppy who is boss, you need to be the pack leader and the dominant one. Pitbulls are not a do for the novice dog owner, you need to have alot of experience to be able to train them properly. Don't just SAY "No" , show him NO.... if he walks away and ignores you, pick him up , put him back at the scene of the crime and then say no. Also teach him , no barking and growling.... if you let him get away with things now, it's just the beginning to bigger problems. I suggest you read this article, and also check out other pitbull related sites on ways to keep him focused on what you want him focused on, there are LOADS on sites out there to help you train your pitbull correctly, use them. Google "training a pitbull puppy"& Read.

    • training training training. it is never to early to start. one command i highly recommend is "leave it"To do this place a few treats in the palm of your hand and close it (make a fist with the treats in your hand). Let your puppy see that you have them and hold them up to his nose. he will probably scratch at your hand and maybe try to bite at it but try to ignore it. Say "leave it" firmly and as so as he looks away and gets destracted by something else give him a treat from the other hand. this is all abou the timing. IMMEDIATLY after he looks away give him the treat. praise him and say good leave it. Eventually he will figure out as soon as you say leave it that when he looks away and "leaves it" he will get something in return.Good luck and Be patient. also try lots of exercise, pitbulls have alot of energy and will behave much better if they have a daily activity. Mix it up so he doesnt get bored tho.

    • I have a 8 week old male pitbull puppy. Every time he gets into something and I tell him "No" he just ignores me most of the time an keeps doing it. He growled and barked at me the other day when I scolded him. What can I do to make him listen to me better?

    • my cousin trained her dog by every time you tell him no you make sure that he is looking directly at you or you hold him gently by the face and make him look at you for like 30 secs i think i doesnt work for all dogs