What color pitbull dog is usually the smallest?
What color pitbull dog is usually the smallest? Dog Breed Discussions
<------100% Pure RedNose American Pit Bull TerrierYes Rednoses are Smaller than Blue's ... look herehttp://www.atlkingpits.com/html/male_pitbulls.htmlBlue pits are thicker and bigger .....Yes there is Bluenose and there is Rednose !!!!!But both come from a Rednose ....Bluenose pits , are most the time mixed w/ another dog ( like a bulldog or a SBT), also they are INBREED , meaning -the father mated w/ his own daughter ,mother /son,ectATL's pit's look nice ... but compare to some of the Blues I've seen they were digusting ... You have to understand APBT's are known to have Hip problems .. and the last thing they need , is to weight 100+ pounds..APBT by UKC standard can be any nose color , but they are Medium dogs , not HugeMature Males = 30-60 lbsFemale = 30-50 lbssee look ..........http://www.ukcpitbull.com/ukcstandard.htmmy favorite is a Silver , Blue and Red mixed or a Tri Coloron the top banner~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~New England Gotti's2 puppies here ---------- >http://www.newenglandgottiline.com/gotti-line-pitbull-puppies-pups-breeder-kennel.html~~ Nice , thick .....here is a New England Pit Bull Forum http://www.network54.com/Forum/260961/you should just type in New England ( or whatever city ) Pit Bulls in the search engineand a lot of sites will pop up !!!You should really try your Humane Society thoughhere .. All breed Rescues - List of Contacts in New England http://www.geocities.com/crdtc/ne-rescu.html