Does an american pitbull terrier make a good pet?

yes some pits do have bad reputaions but thats cuz of the owner who owned that dog. i have one and he is sooo nice to people and animals. he never ever tried to attack anyone. so they are good dogs.

    Does an american pitbull terrier make a good pet?

    yes some pits do have bad reputaions but thats cuz of the owner who owned that dog. i have one and he is sooo nice to people and animals. he never ever tried to attack anyone. so they are good dogs....
    Dog Breed Discussions : Does an american pitbull terrier make a good pet?...

    • Does an american pitbull terrier make a good pet?

      Does an american pitbull terrier make a good pet? Dog Breed Discussions
      yes some pits do have bad reputaions but thats cuz of the owner who owned that dog. i have one and he is sooo nice to people and animals. he never ever tried to attack anyone. so they are good dogs.

      Does an american pitbull terrier make a good pet?

      Does an american pitbull terrier make a good pet? Dog Breed Discussions
    • They can and do make great pets for the right family. I have 2, one rescued off the street and one adopted from an actual rescue.Do not believe the media hype! A well socialized, well bred, well trained pitbull is a wonderful loyal and loving companion.I do not suggest purchasing one. These dogs are being way over bred, and so many are put to death.I suggest locating a pitbull rescue in your area. is a great place to start your search. Ask the rescue questions like, are the dogs all spayed and neutered prior to adoption? Are they vaccinated? Are they temperment tested? Ask to meet the available dogs. Make a couple of visits if you have to. Interact with them and see how they interact with others.Please email me if you have any concerns or questions about the breed that I can help you [email protected]://

    • If you are basing your choice on REPUTATION (other IDIOTS *B-S*!),then you have ***NOT*** done any research!!!!So...don't do it! Don't get ANY dog.Get a teddybear instead...der not "scarwy" at awl...

    • They make the BEST pet. Do NOT believe all of the cruel and ugly myths. If you raise one from a puppy and properly they are a joy to have around. Our loves puppies, kittens, and kids (and we don't even have any kids). They love to snuggle, please their owner, follow you to each room, and they are funny too. The press loves to get all the negative hype regarding a pit. But check out some stuff on the postive things about pits. The receive very high marks in passing a temperment test. Labs are more likely to attack than a pit. ANY dog can be mean if it is raised that way. Good luck!

    • YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I have one &she ia Althogh pll r very visisoius wen it comes to this breed. It will fight back if it gets attacked by anothrer dog. She will bark if she sees a starnger I went to jail cuz of it. Thay was tha one b4. It tore tha throat compely out of his troat & killed it. once they thet get tha taste of blood, they dont stop. I gave him away to my godfather & it attacked thieir goats & lab. They Shot it 4 times in tha head & it was still after it. After tha 5th shot he laid down & it took him about an hour to die. Once they get a taste of bllood they keep on. Tha one that i have now is such a doll. Although i had to get homeowners insurance that covers $100,000 . Its only $78 every 6 month. Tha only reason is cuz she was losen & my neighbor happens to be tha mom of my girl & shes married. There is a leashe law & tha PIGS will gett u 4 that. Tha only thing that my dod does is barks at ppl I RECOMMEND TO GET ONE. They r beautiful & make good companionship with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Pitbulls are great dogs I have two and one is a Therapy Dog. I take him to hospitals to visit sick people and children. My other Pit is too hyper to be a Therapy dog so he's into Agility. Yes Pit's have a bad rap but most of those dogs haven't been properly socialized or have been used for illegal purposes. There are no Bad Dogs!If you do decide to get a Pit make sure it's from a breeder that is recognized by ABPT or the United Kennel Club. So, you'll know what type of bloodline your dog has and temperament. Check out these websites for more info on

    • yes but due to recent studies and personal experience......its best to buy the dog when its a baby that way it can be usted to ur ways and behavior....because if you dog is older and had a previous owner that was abuser...the dog can turn on you and the people you love..........but pits are know for their aggressiveness.....due to the pit fights....but ive also known that pits are well gentle pets if you get a pit be kind to it or if you want to use it to fight ....due that...but whatever you push you dog into will become that

    • Be CAREFUL! Yes, it depends on how you raise them, but sometimes situations can't be avoided. There was this guy who lived over a mile away from me, and he had 2 pit bulls-that were NOT used for fighting. The dogs got loose one day and came and killed all of my chickens, and then attacked me. I was one of the lucky people. The dog only got my leg, and I was able to escape without serious injury. The guy couldn't believe his pets had done that-but that is just what the dogs are bred for-and if a person can not devote their entire time to raising the dog properly you could be dealing with it attacking the neighbors pets or even the neighbors!

    • The key to owning a pit bull is being RESPONSIBLE! Responsible ownership is the ONLY way to safely own these animals. Most of the bloodline has been polluted with violence in one way or another so you can never tell what you are going to get.My sister has 2, one is a big oaf! She bounds around with endless energy and would lick someone to death at the drop of a hat. The other is a bit temperamental. She is very cautious with him, he doesn't get to go around strangers and if he is, he is on a very tight, thick leash. She said that she doesn't think he would ever attack anyone, but it would be irresponsible to let him run loose. She just wants to be cautious, and can you blame her!They are very loyal dogs and would give their lives to protect you. They are good with my nephew (is is 9, when they got Petey, my nephew was 5). You just have to be the right kind of owner.Punish the deed, not the breed.

    • Read the Dog Encyclopedia. They say the Pitt's are very loyal and great with kids. They really rave about them in the book, however everything I have heard has always been the complete opposite. Personally, I would not get one just because of the possible risk, especially around children. But if you feel you can control a very dominant breed, then maybe it would be okay for you. Poor dogs got a bad rap because of their history and people buying them to show they are "tough". Every Pitt bull I have ever come into contact with was very aggressive, but so were their owners.they are beautiful IMO, but never get because of looks

    • Yes if you do not have small kids they are a great breed,but i raised pits for 10 years an did not have one person to get attacked,when my daughter was born i got out of pits. these dogs do not like small things why i do not know,it was not worth the risk.

    • The key words are socialization and training. Pits can be dog agressive so watch out for that. I have known 5 pits in my life and only one ever cam close to lungeing at me and even that was my fault, I broke rule number 1 with dogs "don't pick up one of my charges if i don't know you. I regestered that it was a pit i petted said pit then I picked up the kid was nanny for and swung her up on my shoulders....I forgott I was not introduced to said pit yet. My mistake if I had gotten bitten it would have been my own fault instread I set the kid down and let her introduce me to her friends dog. Amy (the dog) and I becme fast friends...the treats ddn't hurt either. I wanted a Pit but my townhouse comunity won't allow them sooo good pets? yes!!!! welcome pets??? not allways.

    • It's true that they have a bad reputation, but that is because a lot of people use them for fighting and breed them to be mean. If you get one, just make sure you have proper training from the beginning. It's all up to the owner how the dog turns out.