Is it okay to give my 9 week old blue pitbull supplements?

Genetics are going to determine what your dog is built like when mature.Nothing will change that.Unfortunately most dogs called Pit Bulls that are blue in color are actually poorly bred mixes known as American Bullies.Good diet and regular exercise will…

    Is it okay to give my 9 week old blue pitbull supplements?

    Genetics are going to determine what your dog is built like when mature.Nothing will change that.Unfortunately most dogs called Pit Bulls that are blue in color are actually poorly bred mixes known as American Bullies.Good diet and regular exercise will…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is it okay to give my 9 week old blue pitbull supplements?...

    • Is it okay to give my 9 week old blue pitbull supplements?

      Is it okay to give my 9 week old blue pitbull supplements? Dog Breed Discussions
      Genetics are going to determine what your dog is built like when mature.Nothing will change that.Unfortunately most dogs called Pit Bulls that are blue in color are actually poorly bred mixes known as American Bullies.Good diet and regular exercise will help your dog reach its genetic potential.There is no need for supplements.In fact,supplements will throw the natural growth process out of whack and can lead to long term bone/joint/muscle issues.Your dog will not be physically mature until about 2 years of age,keep that in mind.Also definitely refrain from strenuous activity until the dog is at least a year to 18 months in age.This forum will help with diet,exercise and other breed specific info.It is very important to know the breed and its tendencies.Please take the time to learn them now.

      Is it okay to give my 9 week old blue pitbull supplements?

      Is it okay to give my 9 week old blue pitbull supplements? Dog Breed Discussions
    • First thing is your dogs diet. Feed him or her one time a day a mixture of both dry and canned food, Make sure you read labels and the first ingredient of both dry and canned should be meat. If your dog is less than 8 months old you need to feed it puppy food, which contains the extra protein a puppy needs for growing. When you switch you dog to any new diet, this should be done slowly by mixing both the old and new food together each day giving the dog more and more of the new food till the old is eliminated.Do not give your dog any human supplements, at least without first checking with your vet.A well known supplement for dogs, though mainly used for humans, is Brewers Yeast, which you can get from any nutrition store such as the General Nutrition Center. They are pretty cheap too. The best way to purchase brewers yeast is from an online or mailing nutrition center and bought in bulk. Brewers Yeast is hi in RNA/DNE, protein and B vitamins. They eat them like candy. Give your dog a couple 2/3 times a day. Have fun.Cheers...gwb56

    • I wasn't too sure if it's okay to do it... I am not that big of a pitbull expert and if it's okay to give them supplements at that age, which kind is good and how much should I give it. Thank you! Anyother tips to making my pitbull healthier and good start to become cut when older the right way are welcomed!