How to get over my fear of my new pitbull?

Frankly, don't. They always say people have good instincts. Pitbulls are banned in the UK and for good reasons. I work as a defence attorney in a case in South Africa where pitbulls injured people and their owners said they were always loving dogs…

    How to get over my fear of my new pitbull?

    Frankly, don't. They always say people have good instincts. Pitbulls are banned in the UK and for good reasons. I work as a defence attorney in a case in South Africa where pitbulls injured people and their owners said they were always loving dogs…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How to get over my fear of my new pitbull?...

    • How to get over my fear of my new pitbull?

      How to get over my fear of my new pitbull? Dog Breed Discussions
      Frankly, don't. They always say people have good instincts. Pitbulls are banned in the UK and for good reasons. I work as a defence attorney in a case in South Africa where pitbulls injured people and their owners said they were always loving dogs before.According to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia in 2001, 55 deaths, the majority of which were from pitbulls, occurred from dog attacks. Almost every week on televisions there are reports of attacks. The unpredictable nature of pitbull attacks is what creates such a danger about them. Some pitbulls have attacked even their owners and people they have known for a long time. So far 36 countries around the world, including most of the European countries have outwardly banned pitbulls. Such bans often came about as a reaction to a tragedy. Other countries severely restrict the activities of pitbulls by confining them to very secure premises and requiring the owners to maintain millions of dollars in liability insurance.So be wary and why buy such a dog that breed should be allowed to die out. Of course you might think all these countries are wrong - really more wrong than a dog owner?

      How to get over my fear of my new pitbull?

      How to get over my fear of my new pitbull? Dog Breed Discussions
    • look at my baby:'s a year old pitbull mix and he's sweet as can be.train him right and you'll have a good buddy for you. he'll protect you and love you as long as you give him the same back. i love my dog, he can be a little trouble maker sometimes, but he's just the sweetest thing ever. so don't be afraid of the little guy he won't harm you especially now, so just be playful with him & trust me you'll fall in love, haha. give it time and train him proper he'll earn your trust.

    • Pitt bulls are good dogs, it is often people who train them to be vicious. These dogs are a very power-full breed and need a lot of exercise to keep them happy and healthy. It may sound funny but the cocker spaniel is responsible for more bites every year in the USA than any other dog breed.

    • I would find her a new home or tell sister you can not have this dog here!! Or take itr to a new home!!! Then bring her a pocket dog and say sorry yours got lost!!

    • The best thing you can do is give him some space and let him get used to his new home. If you bond with this puppy, or even if he is able to just tolerate you, then there is no reason to be afraid of him, because he certainly won't go after you. Give him some space, and if he wants to play with you, play! He may nip, but that's just because he his playing and or teething. It may also help if you feed him, and you'll gain more of his respect. You are his co-master if you will, and pitbulls are very dedicated. As long as you don't scare him, you have nothing to worry about.

    • You should visit it frequently, and stroke it and touch it often. It will soon get to know you well, and you'll be good friends.If you are really scared, ask your sister to hold it, while you touch it, im sure he wouldn't harm you in any way. He may jump on you, but thats just a sign of trust. You'll soon get to know he's just messing around with you and playing with you.Have a great time with the dog. Best of luck !!

    • My sister recently bought home a pitbull puppy and Im totally afraid of it!Even though it's a tiny adorable dog, I'm terrified of what it will grow up to be. How do I get over my fear?

    • well you have plenty of time to get to know it and gain its trust and it will eventuall gain your trust try spending time with it it is only a puppy so the more action you do now the more influence it will have when it is fully grown.