How many puppies can a female pitbull have after her first litter?

Because my uncles female pitbull give birth to 4 pups in the first litter so now shes heated now and my uncle was like either going to breed her with a friends pitbull but he was like if theres more that 4 or 6 then not going to breed it unless the…

    How many puppies can a female pitbull have after her first litter?

    Because my uncles female pitbull give birth to 4 pups in the first litter so now shes heated now and my uncle was like either going to breed her with a friends pitbull but he was like if theres more that 4 or 6 then not going to breed it unless the…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How many puppies can a female pitbull have after her first litter?...

    • How many puppies can a female pitbull have after her first litter?

      How many puppies can a female pitbull have after her first litter? Dog Breed Discussions
      Because my uncles female pitbull give birth to 4 pups in the first litter so now shes heated now and my uncle was like either going to breed her with a friends pitbull but he was like if theres more that 4 or 6 then not going to breed it unless the friend wants the other half of the litter but idk i want to know how much puppies will they give birth after the first litter of 4?

      How many puppies can a female pitbull have after her first litter?

      How many puppies can a female pitbull have after her first litter? Dog Breed Discussions
    • okay nick here we go.unless you uncle is showing the dog, he has no business breeding. He is the reason that BSL's run rampant in this country. Go Congratulate him. Second, Pitbulls are known for large the fact that she has only 4 the first time. he got lucky.Don't count on small litters and he should probably have homes before he breeds. Just a thought.That is what responsible Pitbull breeders do but then again, I doubt he is one. Sorry if this is offensive but I am a Pitbull owner and lover and I am so sick of trying to stop Breed Specific Legislation when people like your uncle probably could care less. Check out Denver, Darn near the whole state of Ohio and several others.sign up for the BSL alerts on Yahoo to see why people like me get so angry at people like him.

    • as many as she has eggs available to fertilize. there is not guarantee one way or the other. hopefully he is not breeding back to back heats- giving her a break in between. if he doesn't want the responsibility of ALL the pups then he should not breed her, because all the pups need to be with the mother for the first 8 weeks of life.