How did you get into your breed?

What was it that first got your interested in your breed? How long ago was that?Detailed answers welcome.

    How did you get into your breed?

    What was it that first got your interested in your breed? How long ago was that?Detailed answers welcome....
    Dog Breed Discussions : How did you get into your breed?...

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    • Since I can remember, I pleaded for a "Bodwell Cowi". My cousin had a gorgeous merle male with blue eyes and he would show of to his friends his best trick: he threw a tennis ball in the air, the dog leaped 3 meters and catched it with ease before reaching the ground. All we could do was turn purple with envy.My "Bodwell Cowi" entusiast calmed down a bit as I began growing up, and as I got my first dog, I couldn't even remember it anymore. I continued adopting, having up to 5 mutts roaming around the house, and then I thought: I'd really like to get a purebred this time. Not that I have anything against mutts, but I'd love to get a purebred. I began researching and all dogs seemed perfect, bad, terrible... Nothing really suited me. Then I found the BC. Inteligent, smartas*, loves to work, run, play, very energetic and loving if well cared for. I was completly attached into this breed. All I wanted was a dog that loved to do Agility, Frisbee and Obedience 24\7, without making me feel guilty and thinking: "but is he enjoying it?". I had found my breed. A few months later I visited a friend of my father (a reputable breeder) and ended up with two healthy, gorgeous, beautiful, inteligent and adorable Border Collies, a male and a female. Nowadays, I do Agility, Frisbee and Obedience with them and they never seem to get tired! They are 2 years old.The Old English Sheepdog came to my mind when I heard that Paul Mccartney's song "Martha my Dear" was inspired in his and Linda's companion, an Old English Sheepdog called Martha. I'm a huge Beatles fan, so I looked for the "Something" music video, and you could see the big, hairy dog jumping around with the happiest couple on earth. I was melted. I must admit I always had a bit of an Old English Sheepdog on my mind. But one day I went into a reputable breeder and bought a lovely female. I named her - guess what? - Martha. Sometimes I sing to her the song and I think she could relate to it a bit.It's my perfect breed! Calm, loving, adorable, dependent. The brushing needs don't really bother me that much, and she gives me so much love I can't even discribe her with mere words.

    • My aunt's neighbours/friends had two Springer's. They were mother and daughter but also working gundogs, called Nipper and Nasher. Anyway, I used to go and play with them when I stayed at my aunts.When I was about 8 or 9, I was staying with my aunt and she took me up to see Nipper and they told me of how Nipper was going to have puppies and my aunt would be having one. So I visited virtually everyday and when the puppies were born I played with them and fed them, every time I was with my aunt. I soon found my favourite, she was black and white but one side was all white so she was nicknamed 'White-Side'. My parents wouldn't let me have a dog then, even though we were offered Whiteside. And all puppies were sold, with Whiteside going off to Scotland. However, I grew a strong bond with Poppy (the puppy that my aunt had from the litter) and when I was staying with my aunt, she became my dog. (Herbie arrived)Anyway, because of Poppy I had a HUGE love for Springer's and I just thought they were great dogs. Despite the fact my mum didn't want two dogs, I did and so I used to spend hours/days/weeks etc researching different breeds. So one weeknd when I was at my aunts I told my mum on the way down, that a Vizsla would be good for us.. she ignored me of course! But when she picked me up a few days later, I said 'mum, I know you'll totally disagree, but a Springer Spaniel would be a great dog for us' she replie 'are you joking Catherine, no way on EARTH would I EVER have a Springer'! So that was the end of that.Sadly, my aunty rehomed Poppy because she was born to work, due to her pedigree and background.. so off she went. And I haven't seen her since :'(So, several years later, my mum was off work one day in my Easter holidays (2008) and she asked me what I wanted to do, I said I wanted to go and view this litter of Springers I'd found. So she called up the breeder and we arranged to go see them. The breeder worked his dog, and the sire was also working too. There were 2 little female puppies still for sale in the litter. And I was quite taken, again, with a black and white bitch. We went away and talked, but decided the timing just wasn't right. However she promined me a Springer puppy in the summer. Yes, a Springer??? WOW!! I thought she NEVER wanted one. Yet that was the breed she wanted. As I'd changed my mind to either a Lab or a Weimaraner.Poppy had puppies in early June, but my mum didn't want one of her puppies as one they were docked and two she didn't want it turning out as mad as Poppy, but we found Fern.So yes haha a little long, but hey! Loved the breed since 2002?? And got my own in 2008 :)Here is Poppy with her puppies. The best dog in the world (apart from Herbie) and the one that introduced me to such an amazing breed-

    • Cardigan Welsh Corgis - My family was always a big fan of Pembroke Welsh Corgis (I still am!). I owned a few and then began looking more and more into the less popular side of this breed, which basically is the Cardigan. Bigger and more compact with long fluffy tails. Something about them caught my attention. Two years ago, after loads of research... I brought Frodo home. I couldn't wish for a more loving companion!German Shepherd Dog - Once again, I have to thank my family, specially my Father, who worked with GSD's during 25 years, and then began adopting a few. I grew up in love with this breed and my first dog was a GSD. A few years from now I decided to get myself another one of this amazing companions. My Grandfather, who is a reputable breeder of this breed for +50 years, sold me Gretchen. Once again; I couldn't wish for more.