help!! Anatolian Shepherd answers needed!!!?

tell me all i need to know about female Anatolian Shepherd puppies!!!!!!!!!!!!! (not Spayed) (show girl)

    help!! Anatolian Shepherd answers needed!!!?

    tell me all i need to know about female Anatolian Shepherd puppies!!!!!!!!!!!!! (not Spayed) (show girl)...
    Dog Breed Discussions : help!! Anatolian Shepherd answers needed!!!?...

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    • help!! Anatolian Shepherd answers needed!!!?

      help!! Anatolian Shepherd answers needed!!!? Dog Breed Discussions
      tell me all i need to know about female Anatolian Shepherd puppies!!!!!!!!!!!!! (not Spayed) (show girl)

      help!! Anatolian Shepherd answers needed!!!?

      help!! Anatolian Shepherd answers needed!!!? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Anatolian Shepherds were originally bred to be livestock guardians. They would bond with the livestock and then protect them throughout their life. This being said, they are very independent dogs. They are also very protective of their family, and if not trained properly can be out of hand and hard to deal with.Females are usually over 27 inches tall and weigh between 80 and 120 pounds. They are definitely big dogs and a good deal of exercise every day. Since they are such large dogs (considered a giant breed) they require a lot of food.They require a lot of socialization as puppies with many people, dogs and situations. This helps them since they are naturally weary of strangers to not see new people or situations as threats so they do not attack. They will not try to pick a fight, but if they feel threatened, think their family is threatened, or are challenged, they will fight. They require training and need to know that their human owner is in charge. You don't need to physically show this, but through body language and protecting your dog (instead of having your dog protect you) the dog sees you as a leader and sees that they don't have to be. If this breed believes you can't do this job, they will willingly take over making training difficult.For more information I recommend you go to, or Both have some useful information on the breed.Good luck!