should i get male rottweiler or female rottweiler? And also should it be pup or already an adult?

keep away from horror

    should i get male rottweiler or female rottweiler? And also should it be pup or already an adult?

    keep away from horror...
    Dog Breed Discussions : should i get male rottweiler or female rottweiler? And also should it be pup or already an adult?...

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    • should i get male rottweiler or female rottweiler? And also should it be pup or already an adult?

      should i get male rottweiler or female rottweiler? And also should it be pup or already an adult? Dog Breed Discussions
      keep away from horror

      should i get male rottweiler or female rottweiler? And also should it be pup or already an adult?

      should i get male rottweiler or female rottweiler? And also should it be pup or already an adult? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I have a female rott and I would recommend getting a female to start out with, to get acquainted with the breed. The males I've encountered are a bit harder to handle. I would suggest getting it as a puppy so you can work with it from the beginning on training. We got ours at 1 year, and she took to us wonderfully and listens well...but I think she would do better if we had her from the puppy stage. Rotts are so wonderful! Have fun picking out your dog.

    • would go with a female as long as the dogs are spayed/neutered because to dogs of the same gender are more aggressive usually...and i would also get a puppy because than they will get along better...Hope i helped and good luck

    • I have 1 male husky who is about 4 years. I am planning to get a rottweiler too as second pet but i can't seem to decide if i should get male or female and if it should be pup or a full grown adult?