Where can i buy a basset hound puppy preferably in arizona or even california?

i want a basset hound puppy so bad!!!! i think they are amazingly cute!!!! so if someone from here in arizona sells male bassets please answer this question with a link of their website. Or if you just know a website which sells bassets in arizona please…

    Where can i buy a basset hound puppy preferably in arizona or even california?

    i want a basset hound puppy so bad!!!! i think they are amazingly cute!!!! so if someone from here in arizona sells male bassets please answer this question with a link of their website. Or if you just know a website which sells bassets in arizona please…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Where can i buy a basset hound puppy preferably in arizona or even california?...

    • Where can i buy a basset hound puppy preferably in arizona or even california?

      Where can i buy a basset hound puppy preferably in arizona or even california? Dog Breed Discussions
      i want a basset hound puppy so bad!!!! i think they are amazingly cute!!!! so if someone from here in arizona sells male bassets please answer this question with a link of their website. Or if you just know a website which sells bassets in arizona please send the link. Thanks a lot from sunny, i mean hot as hell Arizona. :)

      Where can i buy a basset hound puppy preferably in arizona or even california?

      Where can i buy a basset hound puppy preferably in arizona or even california? Dog Breed Discussions
    • The best place to find puppies is puppyfind.com it's so easy you look up the breed you want and you can select the state also. Hope you find your puppy! Good luck!