what is the name of the lazy Basset hound cartoon?

I know that there was Droopy but i am thinking about another one... this one was lazy as all get out and when we wanted to go in a different direction he would pull his head in and pop it out the other end. I want to name my new Basset hound puppy this…

    what is the name of the lazy Basset hound cartoon?

    I know that there was Droopy but i am thinking about another one... this one was lazy as all get out and when we wanted to go in a different direction he would pull his head in and pop it out the other end. I want to name my new Basset hound puppy this…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : what is the name of the lazy Basset hound cartoon?...

    • what is the name of the lazy Basset hound cartoon?

      what is the name of the lazy Basset hound cartoon? Dog Breed Discussions
      I know that there was Droopy but i am thinking about another one... this one was lazy as all get out and when we wanted to go in a different direction he would pull his head in and pop it out the other end. I want to name my new Basset hound puppy this cartoon dogs name but I cant find it anywhere. Please can anyone help me?

      what is the name of the lazy Basset hound cartoon?

      what is the name of the lazy Basset hound cartoon? Dog Breed Discussions
    • how about Sassy we have a 12 year old basset female and we have had her since she was 13 weeks old and it just ends up like they own your house and there toys and there food they end very quickly training you and you not even knowing it, when they want to lay down they will, you have to find a trick question that you know will first of all get there tail wagging, thats letting you know you have made contact, then remembering that word and having everyone in the household use the same words, they are very smart dogs but love doing things on there own terms. Its best to get one as a puppy and they are easy to train if you find out what really means a lot to them and they will let you know quickly and use that when you want them to work on your time schedule instead of theres. Very beautiful fun loving breed they make you laugh every day. hope this helped take care