How much should I be feeding my 5 months old Beagle?

I have a 13" Beagle just over 5 months old and is just under 16 lbs. She looks skinny, slightly visible ribs and narrow through the middle and hips. How much should I be feeding her and how many times a day to keep her a healthy weight?

    How much should I be feeding my 5 months old Beagle?

    I have a 13" Beagle just over 5 months old and is just under 16 lbs. She looks skinny, slightly visible ribs and narrow through the middle and hips. How much should I be feeding her and how many times a day to keep her a healthy weight?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How much should I be feeding my 5 months old Beagle?...

    • Make sure you're feeding a good quality puppy food at this age, suc as Purina Puppy Chow or Proplan Puppy, or any of the other major pet food puppy foods. There is even a small breed puppy food, but it's not really necssary. Look on the side of the bag and look at the feeding recommendations. Make suure you look a the size she shouldbe when fully grown, not the size she is now. If you think she's too skinny, feed a little more than the feeding guidline suggests. It will also sometimes tell you how often to feed as well.. I suggest feeding puppies 3 times a day, but 2 times a day is usually often enough. If she doesn't finish her food, feed her more often. If you're still at a loss on how much to feed per feeding, either divide te daily ration into however many feedings you are going to do, or you can figure that she'l eat a portion about as bigas her head at one time. Some dogs will eat a little less, others will eat a little more. Some will eat whatever you put in front of them at any time. Just play it by ear. If she starts gaining too much weight, back off a bit on the amount of food. If she doesnt' gain weight or if she loses weight, feed her a little more. An ideal dog will not have easily visible ribs, though they should be felt fairly easily. They should have a noticeable tuck at the belly, and they should have an hourglass figure when viewed from above. If you're still in doubt about whether or not you're feeding her enough, give the vet a call and see what their recommendatin is (this is usally free - very few vets charge for calls). Best of luck with your puppy, beagles are great dogs!

    • first off--are you using puppy food?puppies like babies need different nutrition and more calories than is in adult dog foodwith every animal i have ever had i always go by the feeding scale on the bag and feed 2-3 times a day 3x a day would be better for a puppy but do as your schedule allows is she finishing her food quickly? maybe she just needs more than suggestedif this continues you should take her to the vet, make sure everything is ok

    • The more you feed your dog the more it will shit arond the house,Put the food down for 30 minetr 2 time a day morning and after noon, after ti eats put the dog out for a shit, this way the dog will lean to be clean,

    • she is a baby. you should be giving her puppy chow and leave it there for her to eat any time she needs to eat it and water (fresh( every day. she is a puppy. I don't know what her weight should be but you can callthe vet and ask.

    • When my Beagle's were five months old, we fed them a half cup in the morning and at night. If you think I'm crazy, then listen to this story:One hot summer day, my family and I were driving home from the pool. (We live in the country by the way.) We saw something traughtign in the ditch, so we pulled over to see what it was. It was a beagle!! It did'nt have a collar on it, and it smelled like skunk... so we picked it up and drove around the country asking every house we saw if they new who this beagle belonged to. We could'nt find the owner. We already planned a vacation that would be ten days long, we wandered what we'd do about this little beagle. We named it Katie. We had one of our friends come by our house everyday to feed her, and my cat , Samy. When we were on vacation, about a week into the trip, the "pet babysitter" called us and said "Um... I don't know if I'm feeding this dog to much, or if its...pregenent!!" The reast of our vacation, I was hoping she WAS pregenet and that we had six puppies, one for each of us (my two step-sisters, me, my brother, and step-brother, and one extra for our "pet babysitters'" daughter. We came home when our vacation was over and took Katie to the vet to get an X-ray. SHE HAD SIX LITTLE PUPPIES IN HER TUMMY!!!!!!! I went crazy, I love animals, and to know that I was going to raise SIX LITTLE PUPPIES with the first dog I've ever had-- I was just CRAZY!!! Puppies!!! About five and a half monthes later, Katie went into labor. One morning we all woke up at six o' clock and she had six furry little potatoes nursing on her stomach!!! My mom almost cried, I could'nt stop smiling, I was the first one to see any of them, so I got to name them. Chloe, Lily, Daisy (the runt), Jake, Mike, and Snoopy!!!! ANYTIME they would make a noise, Katie would run to them (even in the middle of craps.) Seh was such a good mother. But we new when they turned two months, that they had to be sent to a new home. I begged and begged my mom to keep just one. She finally said yes, but then I begged to keep another one! She said alright. We kept Chloe and Jake. Right before their first Christmas, Jake bit Chloe in the neck, so hard she was bleeding, bleeding bad, so we HAD to give Jake away. It was defistating, but Chloe turned out okay and and Jake was sent to a new home. Now, we have Chloe and Katie. Our vet says that Katie is about three years old. And we know that Chloe is seventeen months. These are the first dogs we've ever had, and we never knew how much they make an impact on our lives. I liked all animals except dogs before we had this experiance, but the moment I saw Katie with her puppies- I changed my mind. So, if anyone has any dog questions, I can definetly answer them. By the way, I want to be a vet when I'm older, and this is no jokoe, I really do. For school, I went to our vet and had an interview with him (jusk two weeks ago.) I got to see five surgeries. Three cat spays, a sist removal from a dog and from a cat. I'm here to answer any dog or cat questions.

    • I have worked with the beagles at my school's small animal lab and based on what they get fed I would say about a cup of dry dog food twice daily. If your dog doesn't take well to dry dog food either add water or you can buy those gravy's specially made for dog food

    • You should always have food and water out for puppies and adult dogs both as far as that little beagle of yours i would feed him three times a day at one cup full each time.

    • Watch the dog and let the dog tell you what it needs. That is coupled with a good quality food. It doesn't have to be the most expensive food either.I started out leaving food out all the time for my dog as a pup. That was the vet's advice. She was growing and very active. I watched. As her growth and eating habits changed, I adjusted the amount of food left out. There came a point where I was feeding the birds more than the dog. At that time I went to feeding once a day. I watched carefully and left enough that there were left-overs the next day. I then decreased the amount until the left-overs were gone. I now watch the dog's build and activity level. She gets more in the summer and winter due to activity and fat needs. She gets less in spring and fall. She has to shed a little in spring. In fall she just seems to slow down. I guess it's the dog's equivalent of the blues.Again, talk with the vet. Watch the dog. Your vet and dog will be better at telling you how to feed your dog than anyone else.

    • well I have a beagle and I started feeding 3 times a day until she turned 6 months. After that only twice a day, morning and dinner.Now she is a year old and only eats ones a day , dinner. Only give her one cup because I gave Lucy a full bowl ones and we had to take her to the emergency room. The doc said that beagles eat when they are not really hungry and then get really bad stomach pain. GOOD LUCK!

    • It all depends on the food you are feeding. The better quality of food the less you have to feed, thus the less you have to pick up.All foods give a chart on their label. Check the puppy food label (yes you should still feed puppy food up to a year of age). The label will give you a chart usually based on full grown weight. You then feed accordingly. For puppies, splitting the food between 2 - 3 times a day should help her from trying to gobble it all up at once.

    • I have a begal also and we just keep her food dish filled up about halfway all day. But, she isnt over weight and she is 3 years old, you should probably feed her once in the morning, twice during the day, and then one at night

    • About a cup full morning and evening. If she starts looking to heavy cut back a little. one word of caution, beagles will gladly eat the whole bag if you feed it to them. They are not like some breeds that can nibble all day. Mine is about two now and she eats 2 and a half cups a day. I keep a watch on her mid-section and make small adjustments accordingly.

    • "Watch the dog and let the dog tell you what it needs."There's just one problem with that- beagles lie! They will sit there and look like they're starving whne they just ate five minutes ago. Twice a day, 1/2 cup at a time is pretty good. Make sure you set up a feeding schedule so the same person feeds her at certain times to avoid giving the beagle 2nd or 3rd helping (they'll gladly eat them). Also, beagles are really prone to obesity, so walk them every day and limit their dog treats a couple times a week. We got our dog onto clicker training because she got fat on "good dog" treats!