How do I send my rabbit to a different state?

I am trying to send my rabbit from CA to MD. The airline I am flying on does not allow rabbits. Is there any form of mail, or another way to send him? Thanks.

    How do I send my rabbit to a different state?

    I am trying to send my rabbit from CA to MD. The airline I am flying on does not allow rabbits. Is there any form of mail, or another way to send him? Thanks....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I send my rabbit to a different state?...

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    • How do I send my rabbit to a different state?

      How do I send my rabbit to a different state? Other Pet Discussions
      I am trying to send my rabbit from CA to MD. The airline I am flying on does not allow rabbits. Is there any form of mail, or another way to send him? Thanks.

      How do I send my rabbit to a different state?

      How do I send my rabbit to a different state? Other Pet Discussions
    • um sorry to say this, but i think you might have to personally drive the rabbit. you have to think, the rabbit would be in a box....for at least 3 the very least 3 days. and the stress of going to mail? it would die of a heart attack. rabbits are not good with handling stress. and they are prone to heat stroke too, so if it gets overly hot...bye bye bunny.

    • I think it's best that you drive him. Flying can be overly traumatic for a rabbit if you put him on a plain. There are dogs barking and it gets really hot in there! You wouldn't want to get your cage back at the airport and discover that your bunny is dead =(