Are adult beagles good pets for an apartment?

Hi there. I will be moving to an apartment soon and I want to get another dog. I want to adopt from a shelter. I want to get a trained adult Beagle male. So basically I was wondering, are they good pets for an apartment? I have a Pomeranian, if I get a…

    Are adult beagles good pets for an apartment?

    Hi there. I will be moving to an apartment soon and I want to get another dog. I want to adopt from a shelter. I want to get a trained adult Beagle male. So basically I was wondering, are they good pets for an apartment? I have a Pomeranian, if I get a…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Are adult beagles good pets for an apartment?...

    • Are adult beagles good pets for an apartment?

      Are adult beagles good pets for an apartment? Dog Breed Discussions
      Hi there. I will be moving to an apartment soon and I want to get another dog. I want to adopt from a shelter. I want to get a trained adult Beagle male. So basically I was wondering, are they good pets for an apartment? I have a Pomeranian, if I get a Beagle that is good with other dogs, will they get along ok?

      Are adult beagles good pets for an apartment?

      Are adult beagles good pets for an apartment? Dog Breed Discussions
    • No. They can aROOOaROOOaROOO for literally HOURS - it sounds like a house alarm. You would be tossed out in three days. Go see what Pom Rescue has that needs a home. They'll try and help you find another dog that goes well with yours, so they can keep each other company. Keep in mind, your dog/dogs will need someone who come in and walk them at lunch every day, if you're out at work or school, even if you have two- but at least your dog won't be lonely. The best companions are 'birds of a feather' - the same breed.

    • beagles are good with other dogs when raised with other animals. but beagles are high strung, they need lots of exercise, mind stimulation, and are very vocal animals, they will howl at certain sounds, some howl when left alone as well. they need to keep there mind busy is what i mean about mind stimulation. my dad used to raise beagles and they are good dogs, but you need to let them run at a dog park, field (if trained) or very long walks.

    • No beagles are loud dogs and need lots of area to romp and play and run and jump and the howl REAL loud and this could happen from being left alone or someone knocking on the door or just you walking out of eye sight of the dog.These are better with people who have some SPACE for the dog to have and run run run My son has one and hes so loud and gets all noisy if people walk by and not stop for a tad sounds like someone has the dog tied up. Now you might consider another type dog unless you really want a beagle.

    • my beagle is great with other dogs!! also yes some beagles do bark but not ALL beagles... mine never barks. i think it depends on the dog. they are very good dogs if they are kept active. if not they can get rowdy.. but like i said it really depends on the dog..

    • Beagles were bred to bay loudly. Do you know how far a beagle's ARRRRROOOOOOOOOO can carry? While beagles aren't really seen on the list of banned breeds that apartments have in their leases, they really don't make good apartment dogs because they are so noisy. With the thin walls that apartments have, and because of all the people that live in close proximity, a noisy beagle would make everyone unhappy.

    • I live in NYC and there are lots of beagles living in apartments. It is up to you, to make sure the beagle energy needs are met. A tired dog is a good dog. So, if the dog is good and tired, he would bark excessively and annoy the neighbors.Personally, I don't think you should get a beagle. You should get a dog that matches more of the Pom's energy level..