What do you do about male dog dominance and aggression?

What do you do when we are being intimate and the male dog starts to growl and will fight with other dog in the house?

    What do you do about male dog dominance and aggression?

    What do you do when we are being intimate and the male dog starts to growl and will fight with other dog in the house?...
    Dogs Training Discussions : What do you do about male dog dominance and aggression?...

    • What do you do about male dog dominance and aggression?

      What do you do about male dog dominance and aggression? Dogs Training Discussions
      What do you do when we are being intimate and the male dog starts to growl and will fight with other dog in the house?

      What do you do about male dog dominance and aggression?

      What do you do about male dog dominance and aggression? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Castrate him. The dog, not your boyfriend (although it has to be said that a lot of men don't want their dogs castrated because they relate it to themselves)! Seriously, castration solves a lot of aggression, dominance and territory-related problems, as well as all the health-related reasons for having it done plus, of course, not adding to the world's massive overpopulation of dogs.

    • you need to teach your dog that it is not your boyfriend and is not the No:1 man of the house. Sounds odd but dogs are like that. He really needs to know his place like in e.g. no sleeping on the bed/cuddles on couch etc. You get the drift?

    • I would suggest going to Cesar millian's dog whisperer siteI would bet that your dogs have more pent up energy than any thing else, too much pent up energy can cause aggression, and if taking a run before bed doesn't help, they may need more exercise than they are getting, I don't think not being neutered has a lot to do with it.Or being male for that matter!The dogs may believe that they are doing what they are supposed to! You need to figure out how you are rewarding them, for example, do you feed them to keep them distracted? If so I bet they think the food is a reward! Give the Cesar millian on discovery channel.com a try, You'll see what I mean! Good Luck!!