Can a tick bite cause a rash without it being Lyme disease?

a few months back my dog had a tick on him for like...4 or 5 hours. but aside from that, i was wondering if redness from a tick bit ALWAYS means lyme disease, or if it could just be from the fact that he was bitten by a tick.this was a couple months…

    Can a tick bite cause a rash without it being Lyme disease?

    a few months back my dog had a tick on him for like...4 or 5 hours. but aside from that, i was wondering if redness from a tick bit ALWAYS means lyme disease, or if it could just be from the fact that he was bitten by a tick.this was a couple months…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can a tick bite cause a rash without it being Lyme disease?...

    • Can a tick bite cause a rash without it being Lyme disease?

      Can a tick bite cause a rash without it being Lyme disease? General Dog Discussions
      a few months back my dog had a tick on him for like...4 or 5 hours. but aside from that, i was wondering if redness from a tick bit ALWAYS means lyme disease, or if it could just be from the fact that he was bitten by a tick.this was a couple months back. i have no way of identifying the tick bite in question. i was just thinking back on the situation, and became worrisome of the future health of my beloved dog.

      Can a tick bite cause a rash without it being Lyme disease?

      Can a tick bite cause a rash without it being Lyme disease? General Dog Discussions
    • It could also just mean that the dogs skin just got irritated.Use a pair of tweezers to grasp the head of the tick where it attaches to the skin.Wear gloves if you plan to use your fingers to remove the tick.Pull on the tick gently and steadily. If you yank the tick away from your dog too quickly, you’ll leave part of the tick’s mouth behind, which can cause an infection.In about 20 to 30 seconds, the tick’s mouth will release its grasp and the tick will come away cleanly.Dab some disinfectant on your dog on the bitten area, being extremely careful if you’re around your dog’s eyes.Kill the tick by placing it in alcohol.Save the dead tick in a resealable plastic bag, labeled with the date on which the tick was found.This may sound weird, but if your dog becomes ill, you may need to identify the species of tick that bit him.