Can a baby dog learn aggression from another dog who is aggressive?
I'm getting a new pup next week butMy current dog growls if I go near my dad and snaps if it has a treat. He follows & barks at random people and I don't want my new dog to be like him. My current dog doesn't care about anyone, just my dad and barking at…
Can a baby dog learn aggression from another dog who is aggressive?
I'm getting a new pup next week butMy current dog growls if I go near my dad and snaps if it has a treat. He follows & barks at random people and I don't want my new dog to be like him. My current dog doesn't care about anyone, just my dad and barking at…... Dogs Training Discussions : Can a baby dog learn aggression from another dog who is aggressive?...
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Can a baby dog learn aggression from another dog who is aggressive?
Can a baby dog learn aggression from another dog who is aggressive?Dogs Training Discussions
I'm getting a new pup next week butMy current dog growls if I go near my dad and snaps if it has a treat. He follows & barks at random people and I don't want my new dog to be like him. My current dog doesn't care about anyone, just my dad and barking at strangers. Will my new pup learn from him? If so, how can I stop this??
Can a baby dog learn aggression from another dog who is aggressive?
Can a baby dog learn aggression from another dog who is aggressive?Dogs Training Discussions
I'm sorry, but yes, you're new dog will be influenced by and learn from your current dog. Other than enrolling both of them in obedience classes, I'm not sure how you could possibly stop it from happening. Good luck, though!
The dog that you have now may also be agressive to the puppy, it sounds like he has very agressive behavior and he may feel threatened with the new pup. So PLEASE be careful that he doesnt attack the new one.But yes dogs learn from eachother. The best way to prevent it is to pay special attention to the puppies behavior and if you see him or her starting to show any agression to reprimand it. Bring him to obediance class as a puppy even if he doesnt have any agression it will help him learn that your in charge and you can control his behavior easier. Thats basically as much of an answer on how to control this at the moment because you do not yet know how the pup will behave and if you alreayd knew and has specific things it did i could easily tell you how to stop it but this is as much as i can give you right now. Good Luck
not dog is crazy-he barks at everyone and hates other animals.But my new dog whom i've had for 6 mos. is very friendly.He likes other other dogs and loves being around people.
The puppy will adopt some habits that the older dog has, but provided his temperament isn't aggressive, I doubt it. I'd be very careful with your puppy when he's around the older dog however and never leave them together unattended until you see how things will go between them.
Yes, the puppy can learn behaviors form the adult dog. The more likely scenario, however, is that the pup learns the behavior all on his/her own because you never hired a behaviorist to figure out why the other dog got that way in the first place.Almost every single behavior problem stems from the owner and the dog's training - or lack of training. If you want to know WHY your first dog became aggressive and HOW to stop it from happening again, hire a behaviorist to come out and observe the dog.A behaviorist can tell you if the behavior is genetic (possible) or learned (very likely) due to a mistake somewhere in training. They can also give helpful tips and advice to help the current dog and prevent the behavior in the next. Until you do this i would hold off on getting a puppy. You should never bring a puppy into a situation where an older dog is aggressive, and most reputable breeders/shelters would not allow it.
Your current dog needs to be corrected when he growls, snaps, and misbehaves. Get him to a professional trainer so you can get the help you need. Always supervise when the puppy is loose. Don't allow your dog to become a bully towards the newcomer. That means he is not allowed to growl at it, snap, bite, or put the puppy into any position. Socialize the puppy and make sure that it is familiar with family, friends, and people of all ages and types. If the puppy does display bad behavior from the older dog, correct it at once and don't allow the puppy to get away with bad behavior. A simple No ought to suffice.
no not really, my grandma and i got new puppies from the same litter and hers is really aggressive and my dog is actually really calm and loving (they are together alot because she is really busy so she drops her dog off at my house). The only resson your puppy would be aggresive is if she doesnt get enough love. My grandmas dog is mean because she doesnt hold it or love it so its really mean to my dogs. Thx i hope that helps