Should I add an english mastiff to the mix?
Should I add an english mastiff to the mix? Dogs Training Discussions
I have a 1.5 yr. old lab/rott mix who is wonderful and loves all other dogs. I have just acquired a pit mix who is also wonderful, but only 10 weeks old. He had his first puppy class last night and did great. There was a puggle, min pin, and a st. brenard. He loved the st. brenard they played well together and the SB could handle the rough play. My mix can handle the rough play, but i am really nervous about the pit in him. Would a larger dog help take out the dog aggression? I have always wanted an english mastiff, and if i have to go through the puppy stage i would rather go through it once than twice. Also, my lab is the oldest spayed female: so she should be leader of the pack, if i decide to do this should i get a male or female mastiff? They will all be spayed or neutered.