What do you think of this dog aggression situation?

Just the other day, I was letting my dogs out of my car, I have three total and 2 were on the leash, the third wasn't quite on the leash yet as I hadn't found it, (the dogs hid it from me somewhere in the car). Well the loose one bounded out of the car…

    What do you think of this dog aggression situation?

    Just the other day, I was letting my dogs out of my car, I have three total and 2 were on the leash, the third wasn't quite on the leash yet as I hadn't found it, (the dogs hid it from me somewhere in the car). Well the loose one bounded out of the car…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : What do you think of this dog aggression situation?...

    • If they were attacking the other dog i could see the reason the man needed to defend his dog. With only circling the other dog i think the man over reacted. I have 4 dogs and people react different when a pack of dogs runs up rather than one dog. If one dog would of ran up i bet the man would of reacted different. I find now a days people are reacting different to dogs approaching other dogs off leash. I think the man was wrong for kicking your dogs and i think i would of kicked his @SS but i also think you should of been in better control over your crew. I would of waited for the man to walk by before letting my dogs out of the car. I also think he was in the wrong for having his dog off leash.

    • I am not going to give you really any advise other then to watch the dog whisper on the national geographic channel. It has helped me alot with having two 50 pound dogs. one being a border collie lab mix who grawls and barks at everybody, but never bites. Try to at least watch one show.Best of luck

    • accidents happen. Any owner who claims that they and their dog are perfect and have never had problems are lying sacks of crap. Everyone who has owned a dog for long enough has had a problem or accident. You had an accident just like everyone else has. A person can never have total control over their dog. A dog is a dog first, a command-taking-robot second. It doesn't matter how much training you put into a dog, if it really wants to ignore you and do it's own thing, it will. I don't blame the guy for kicking your dogs because he was scared for his dog. But if he was just out walking he should have had his dog on a leash.

    • Two things for you.I have a friend who was training his Rott to do tracking (sort of like search and rescue work). This dog was not aggressive in any way shape or form. I watched this dog get jumped on by different dogs perhaps six different times. The more it happened, the more aggressive HIS dog became. Eventually HE started having aggressive issues with his dogs.In Northern Illinois in all of the forest preserves, it's simply dogs must be on leash at ALL times. No exceptions. I do a lot of tracking and I teach tracking in these areas. I can't tell you the number of times that I've had Rottweilers (when I had them) and my dogs now, challenged by unleashed dogs. Worse case (as in your situation) MULTIPLE dogs.Look at it from the other side. You have NO idea what the other dog is going to do. Challenging another dog is NOT a positive sign. Then all of a sudden, you've got MULTIPLE dogs in the fray and hell is breaking loose.I'm going to try to separate the dogs any way that I can.Did the other person overreact? Possibly. But this is a split second reaction. In hindsight the decision is easy. In the heat of the battle, so to speak, it's entirely difference.UPDATE: I was fine until your comment about the other person being wrong for having HIS dog off leash. Yeah, but.Yeah. But if YOUR loose dog wouldn't have gone up to his. If YOUR other dogs wouldn't have gone up to his. ETC.Please don't try to rationalize that if it wasn't for the OTHER person it would have been okay. YOUR dogs were the aggressors.

    • I am a professional trainer,(30yrs). I will tell you this, I DO NOT take my dog to dog parks because of what you just experienced. Most owners do not have control over their pets, they think it is a place to let their dogs run free and then problems happen. Yours was one of those unfortunate situations of encountering a owner with an out of control, and sounds like, an aggressive dog.