My 10 year old dog has a strange lump/bump. What do you think it is and what would you recommend?

My 10 year old chihuahua has a strange lump/bump on her chest. At first I thought it was just her nipple, but as I looked back at it it seems to have grown. I does feel a bit hard and I don't think its painful, but I am not entirely sure. What do you…

    My 10 year old dog has a strange lump/bump. What do you think it is and what would you recommend?

    My 10 year old chihuahua has a strange lump/bump on her chest. At first I thought it was just her nipple, but as I looked back at it it seems to have grown. I does feel a bit hard and I don't think its painful, but I am not entirely sure. What do you…...
    General Dog Discussions : My 10 year old dog has a strange lump/bump. What do you think it is and what would you recommend?...

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    • My 10 year old dog has a strange lump/bump. What do you think it is and what would you recommend?

      My 10 year old dog has a strange lump/bump. What do you think it is and what would you recommend? General Dog Discussions
      My 10 year old chihuahua has a strange lump/bump on her chest. At first I thought it was just her nipple, but as I looked back at it it seems to have grown. I does feel a bit hard and I don't think its painful, but I am not entirely sure. What do you think it is and what would you recommend? I don't want to go to the vet if it is nothing and just something normal because of age. Please help.

      My 10 year old dog has a strange lump/bump. What do you think it is and what would you recommend?

      My 10 year old dog has a strange lump/bump. What do you think it is and what would you recommend? General Dog Discussions
    • A lump or bump that suddenly appears and seems to be growing MUST be checked out by a vet. I don't want to scare you however it could be a tumor and if so, the earlier you get it looked at and removed if necessary the better the chance for recovery.

    • is she spayed? is the lump under or right next to a nipple? if the answer is yes to these questions then i am afarid she may have mammary cancer. my 10yr old cairn terrier had that and had she just had surgery to remove the lumps get her to a vet good luck