what is on my dogs stomac and groin there is little circle red dots on there that are a perfect circle?

what the.... is it a alergey or what its come on to my family members body do u think it could be the same thig. the breed the RED circle dots are on is a full grown toy fox terrier its on the side of its leg and groin could it be a food alergy what do…

    what is on my dogs stomac and groin there is little circle red dots on there that are a perfect circle?

    what the.... is it a alergey or what its come on to my family members body do u think it could be the same thig. the breed the RED circle dots are on is a full grown toy fox terrier its on the side of its leg and groin could it be a food alergy what do…...
    General Dog Discussions : what is on my dogs stomac and groin there is little circle red dots on there that are a perfect circle?...

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    • what is on my dogs stomac and groin there is little circle red dots on there that are a perfect circle?

      what is on my dogs stomac and groin there is little circle red dots on there that are a perfect circle? General Dog Discussions
      what the.... is it a alergey or what its come on to my family members body do u think it could be the same thig. the breed the RED circle dots are on is a full grown toy fox terrier its on the side of its leg and groin could it be a food alergy what do you think it might be? or could it be an ingredeant in its food i have no clue!!!!!!!!!!!!

      what is on my dogs stomac and groin there is little circle red dots on there that are a perfect circle?

      what is on my dogs stomac and groin there is little circle red dots on there that are a perfect circle? General Dog Discussions
    • You would need a Vet to tell you for sure, but it could be ringworm. That is a fungal infection and easily treated but needs consistent care, IF that is what it is. Also, ringworm is highly contagious. http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%3Fei%3DUTF-8%26p%3Dphotos%2Bof%2Bringworm%2Bon%2Bdogs&w=160&h=120&imgurl=www.bing.com%2Fimages%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dphotos%2Bof%2Bringworm%2Bon%2Bdogs%23focal%3D6a486cac491f1774ddba0537c773b6cb%26furl%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252f3.bp.blogspot.com%252f_Rq3HOFhhjoE%252fS_MGYEa9y5I%252fAAAAAAAAAkw%252fHjRs6iRzmo0%252fs1600%252fP1010221.JPG&size=&name=search&rcurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com%2Fimages%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dphotos%2Bof%2Bringworm%2Bon%2Bdogs%23focal%3D6a486cac491f1774ddba0537c773b6cb%26furl%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252f3.bp.blogspot.com%252f_Rq3HOFhhjoE%252fS_MGYEa9y5I%252fAAAAAAAAAkw%252fHjRs6iRzmo0%252fs1600%252fP1010221.JPG&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bing.com%2Fimages%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dphotos%2Bof%2Bringworm%2Bon%2Bdogs%23focal%3D6a486cac491f1774ddba0537c773b6cb%26furl%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252f3.bp.blogspot.com%252f_Rq3HOFhhjoE%252fS_MGYEa9y5I%252fAAAAAAAAAkw%252fHjRs6iRzmo0%252fs1600%252fP1010221.JPG&p=ringworm+dogs&type=&no=3&tt=115&oid=http%3A%2F%2Fts2.mm.bing.net%2Fimages%2Fthumbnail.aspx%3Fq%3D4754537913385841%26id%3D77e26d6e365a059e603f9cd670b9976b&tit=Peas+and+Beans%3A+Ringworm+v.s.+Insect+Bite&sigr=16p17bjqc&sigi=16iiqvqbf&sigb=1249vomo7&fr=yfp-t-701-1