Do you think some dog breeds should be banned?

In Australia they have already banned some breeds of dog which are seen to be aggresive and dangerous. Is it fair to wipe out an entire breed because of a few careless dog owners?

    Do you think some dog breeds should be banned?

    In Australia they have already banned some breeds of dog which are seen to be aggresive and dangerous. Is it fair to wipe out an entire breed because of a few careless dog owners?...
    General Dog Discussions : Do you think some dog breeds should be banned?...

    • Do you think some dog breeds should be banned?

      Do you think some dog breeds should be banned? General Dog Discussions
      In Australia they have already banned some breeds of dog which are seen to be aggresive and dangerous. Is it fair to wipe out an entire breed because of a few careless dog owners?

      Do you think some dog breeds should be banned?

      Do you think some dog breeds should be banned? General Dog Discussions
    • I think that some people should be banned.Consider this...animals survive in the wild, do whatever they do in their natural element and then we, humans either try to tame the tiger and call it a house cat, or turn the domestic dog into a killing machine.

    • idk I don't think PiTBulls should be Banned Granit they aren't the Cutest of Dogs But If you take the time to Train them Properly then they will turn out alright! To many people have used them for Dog fighting so they have a Bad Rep. But that's only cause we made It that way not the Poor Dogs! : (Hope that Helped! : D-Redfawn789

    • I feel your right! Just because of a few stupid owners, the poor little dogs get the beating, which is wrong. I dont think it should be allowed. Any dog is sweet and loveable, you should know how to treat it the right way.

    • No I don't think that a breed of dogs should be banned. I think that there are literally hundreds of thousands of dog owners that should be banned.And a lot of these people have children!! God help the wee ones.

    • I personally do not think it is fair. But if people are scared of them, there's nothing much you can do. If you're talking about the pit bull ban in Australia, you can't change their minds. The only thing we can do is sit with our thoughts, knowing that they are correct. It isn't really consoling, but it helps reasonably. Some other states have a law to have certain breeds muzzled in public. The only law I agree with in terms of dogs is the banning of docking tails and cropping ears. I think it's unnecessary suffering to the dog just to make it look 'tougher'. That's my opinion. Sorry if I couldn't help more. Best of luck! :o)

    • Ban the deed not the breed. If the dogs are banned then the people with the dogs will just turn to some other breed to take the other dogs place,its been going on forever. Chows, GSDs, Dobermans, Rottweilers, now Pitt Bulls.... Its the people who own them that need to be stopped the HUMAN behavior that needs to be stamped out. Not the effing dogs.Didnt australia ban guns? How did that work out again?When government makes a law like this, the only people that are affected are the LAW OBIDING population. The criminal population keeps on doing what they were in the beginning. And theyre the reason the law was made in the first place. When govt. bans guns, criminals are the only ones who own guns.When govt. bans pitbulls, criminals will still own pittbulls, they dont care how many they get taken away and get put to sleep, Miami Dade county kills around 300 pitt bulls a day. The breed ban has been in place for several years now. And for some reason DOGS ARE STILL BEING KILLED... it makes NO effect on the crimial population so there is no point in depriving responsible law obiding citizens their right to own a breed that they love and care about.

    • Yes i think some breeds should be banned. I was talking about this very thing with my co-worker today. We decided that Cocker Spaniels, Soft Coated Wheaton Terriers, Portuguese Water Dogs, Schnauzers, Chow Chows, West Highland terriers, and Chihuahua's should all stop being bred as they are all unpredictable and bite.

    • I think it's ridiculous. There are a lot of careless pet owners out there. People antagonize their dogs and let their children beat up on the poor things and in turn it produces aggressive animals. Then they ask why the dog is being so mean and put it down or get rid of it. It's just stupid. I have a Siberian Husky and so many people think they are mean and nasty. They are completely the opposite. I have a hard time sometimes when I take him out in public because I get dirty looks and people grab their children. It's awful. He's never been aggressive towards anyone! It's ridiculous and unfair for those of us who raise our animals properly. It makes it harder on us because we can't bring our pets out in public and we have a harder time renting a house. It's just silly.

    • No it's not fair but it is happening around the world.We hear of dogs biting children, our most precious asset. Each bad owner of a more aggressive breed, needs to take extra precautions, to ensure the safety of people. It would be great to say that owners of such breeds must take classes and be certified in order to house the dog, but that will never happen. In my state if you own a rottie, pincher, Sheppard, your home insurance is jacked up because of the breed . So banning a breed, insurance hicks, are ways of protecting society, which is the goal.

    • I think it is a shame that Australia has banned several breeds incl. the APBT. I mean, the Croc Hunter's dog, Sue, was a Pit. Amazing they should be banned there! Ban stupid people from owning dogs. I am all for THAT. Too bad ignorance isn't painful. Then maybe city councils or governments in other countries than America would funnel money into the right causes, like enforcing laws against abuse, neglect and dog fighting and would fund free and low cost spaying and neutering programs.What breeds are currently forbidden to own in Australia, and what happens when a person is "caught" with a forbidden breed?

    • Absolutely not!!! Certain dogs are being targeted by BSL, because they are known to be aggresive or whatever. I put the blame on the people who own the dogs. You can raise a pit bull, chow, doberman, rotti from puppies and they can be docile (spelling?) and calm. It all depends on who is raising the dog and the environment. It sickens me to think that people abuse dogs/pets - hey, maybe that is why some dogs are aggressive. HELLO....

    • Cavalier Mom - your answer is hysterical.Hey - I'm ALL for the ban of breeds as SOON as we ban stupid people. After that, all the smart intelligent people can sit down and ----oooppss - all the smart intelligent people would realize that it is stupid to ban a breed. And since we banned all the stupid people responsible dog owners abound, responsible breeding happens, human aggression no longer exists because only smart responsible people are breeding the appropriate dogs and the world lives in harmony.Ban stupid people!