is it safe to give aspirin to my dog and what is the correct dose?

my afghan hound is 10 years old and starting to be troubled with arthritis. i'm a nurse and so i know that arthritis is effective in relieving human arthritis pain... but i don't want to poison or overdose my dog. i'm thinking a children's aspirin might…

    is it safe to give aspirin to my dog and what is the correct dose?

    my afghan hound is 10 years old and starting to be troubled with arthritis. i'm a nurse and so i know that arthritis is effective in relieving human arthritis pain... but i don't want to poison or overdose my dog. i'm thinking a children's aspirin might…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : is it safe to give aspirin to my dog and what is the correct dose?...

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    • is it safe to give aspirin to my dog and what is the correct dose?

      is it safe to give aspirin to my dog and what is the correct dose? Dog Breed Discussions
      my afghan hound is 10 years old and starting to be troubled with arthritis. i'm a nurse and so i know that arthritis is effective in relieving human arthritis pain... but i don't want to poison or overdose my dog. i'm thinking a children's aspirin might be ok. but not sure. don't tell me to see a vet ... that is NOT an option. i want to hear the experiences of others. and if there are any vets out there who care to share, please do! =D

      is it safe to give aspirin to my dog and what is the correct dose?

      is it safe to give aspirin to my dog and what is the correct dose? Dog Breed Discussions
    • If your vet is not an option I'd just call them. you can ask without seeing them. If they won't answer, have someone else who's going to their vet ask their vet on proper dosage. I off hand can't remember the right dosage..

    • I know that it is safe to do so, but dosing, I'm not certain of our Huskies has heartworms, and vet has her on 1 baby aspirin a day to keep the blood a little thinner... I guess she wieghs around 45 based on that, maybe your Afghan could go with 1 1/2....and you're right, aspirin is a good NSAID for arthritis

    • Depending on the weight of the dog, aspirin can be used; you'd need to ask your vet, aspirin can cause stomach bleeding so getting the proper dosage is imperative. Why is a vet not an option?

    • Yes you can give aspirinUse a buffered tablet.Regular size 325mg give 1/4 tab per 10 pounds of body weight and you can give two times per day.I always start mine on one tablet with food.I have a weimaraner who can not tolerate most of the prescription meds but will tolerate aspirin if given with food and only one tab at a time. He does well and you can tell it helps with pain.Do not ever give Tylenol or Advil as those can be toxic but regular aspirin is fine.

    • Baby asprin is fine - make sure the asprin is buffered, as mentioned earlier. A safe rule of thumb is 100mg for ever 60 lbs of doggie weight, every 8/12 hours. You can go a little higher than that with dosing, but if your dog needs more you may want to look at other options. Please see the link below for some other more homeopathic (and less expensive then vet bills!) options.

    • dogs can take asprin dose by weight, as you would kids. regular doseing with asprin will keep the blood thin and cause bleeding if internal stuff is going on and if he gets cut. and it can cause tummy upset dose with food. watch kidneys as it is peed out and can cause trouble there. but is helpful in treating pain . my dobie was on it for the same reason. condriotin sulfates help but are also hard on the kidneys. good luck to you and your affy

    • You can give your dog aspirin. With Children's medications make certain it says ASPIRIN. You can not give your cat aspirin. Do not give your dog Tylenol or Ibuprofen.When Luna, my dog was fixed, the vet said I could give her 2 children's aspirin once or twice daily if she seemed to be in pain. She is 35lbs.The ratio is 1 Children's aspirin for 20lbs of dog. So you could give your dog a regular aspirin as your Afghan is probably 80 lbs. Buffered is better for the dog. Watch to make certain your Afghan is not allergic or has problems with Aspirin. My mom was a vet's assistant and raises dogs. She has used Aspirin for 40 years with her dogs, I have for 13 years. Also since Afghans are tall, try to put your dog's dinner dish on something, so she doesn't have to lean as far to eat.

    • My chow has hip problems. At 15, she thinks she' still a puppy not a 80 lb old geezer. When its time for her yearly check up vet says she's doing good for an old dog. I give her the following dosages of aspirin and glucosamine.aspirin (baby dose ok):i tab/ 30 lbs/ body weight q12happrox dosage: 10-15mg/kgglucosamine:i tab 500mg/25 lbs / body weight (or 20mg/lb) qhdMonitor your dog's chow time. Unusual behavior, vomiting, diarrhea etc. No enteric coated doesn't fully digest. If that doesn't help call the vet. Hope it works out! Cheers!

    • aspirin is not good for dogs . usley theres over the counter medicines for older dogs at petco.if not maybe you should consult your vet...maybe .my dog is a 6 month old puggle so if hes sick i take him to the vet. but he never gets sick. because we live in mountvernon,ny

    • Do realize as well that Afghans as sight hounds are sensitive to different things (IE:anesthetic) so i would ask my vet before giving any medications. Also it can and over time will affect the kidneys so it is better to have blood tests run see the state of your dogs internal organs and have the vet prescribe something like Metacam that is non-steroidal.Yes it does cost money but that would be the ideal treatment for your dog. Just remember the internal organs are aging as well so it is best checked out.