how much is a puppy surgery for removing an external lump?

My puppy is about 6 months old now. she has a little lump about 1.25 cm in diameter. The vet say that it will cost about $608 to remove it. Is that a lot or should I go see another vet and get a quote on that?

    how much is a puppy surgery for removing an external lump?

    My puppy is about 6 months old now. she has a little lump about 1.25 cm in diameter. The vet say that it will cost about $608 to remove it. Is that a lot or should I go see another vet and get a quote on that?...
    General Dog Discussions : how much is a puppy surgery for removing an external lump?...

    • how much is a puppy surgery for removing an external lump?

      how much is a puppy surgery for removing an external lump? General Dog Discussions
      My puppy is about 6 months old now. she has a little lump about 1.25 cm in diameter. The vet say that it will cost about $608 to remove it. Is that a lot or should I go see another vet and get a quote on that?

      how much is a puppy surgery for removing an external lump?

      how much is a puppy surgery for removing an external lump? General Dog Discussions
    • Oh, my, I do think that is a lot. I had two surgeries on a puppy last year cheaper than that. I had a tumor removed from the head of one of my dogs and it was like 125.00, and I think they removed a tumor on his side too at that time. I would try another vet, sometimes puppies get lumps from shots, are you sure this is cancer??? I would get a second opinion.