What is the hard lump on the side of my dogs right leg?

He has had a lump grow bigger and harder in the past week. On day 8 it began to bleed. I went to the vet and she said it was trauma and prescribe antibiotics. The medicine isn't helping. He isn't eating and the lump hurts. What can that be?

    What is the hard lump on the side of my dogs right leg?

    He has had a lump grow bigger and harder in the past week. On day 8 it began to bleed. I went to the vet and she said it was trauma and prescribe antibiotics. The medicine isn't helping. He isn't eating and the lump hurts. What can that be?...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the hard lump on the side of my dogs right leg?...

    • What is the hard lump on the side of my dogs right leg?

      What is the hard lump on the side of my dogs right leg? General Dog Discussions
      He has had a lump grow bigger and harder in the past week. On day 8 it began to bleed. I went to the vet and she said it was trauma and prescribe antibiotics. The medicine isn't helping. He isn't eating and the lump hurts. What can that be?

      What is the hard lump on the side of my dogs right leg?

      What is the hard lump on the side of my dogs right leg? General Dog Discussions
    • Did the vet do an xray or did she just take a quick look and have a guess? I would be investigating this further with a different vet. I would think if it was trauma it would begin to heal after 8 days. However since she prescribed antibiotics there must be infection. Did she prescribe pain relief?I wouldn't feel very confident with that diagnosis.