Is it true that Afghan Hounds are the dumbest and Border Collies are the smartest breeds?

I've heard this a few times and am wondering if this is true. If it's not, does anyone know which breed is really smartest, and which is the dumbest?

    Is it true that Afghan Hounds are the dumbest and Border Collies are the smartest breeds?

    I've heard this a few times and am wondering if this is true. If it's not, does anyone know which breed is really smartest, and which is the dumbest?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is it true that Afghan Hounds are the dumbest and Border Collies are the smartest breeds?...

    • Is it true that Afghan Hounds are the dumbest and Border Collies are the smartest breeds?

      Is it true that Afghan Hounds are the dumbest and Border Collies are the smartest breeds? Dog Breed Discussions
      I've heard this a few times and am wondering if this is true. If it's not, does anyone know which breed is really smartest, and which is the dumbest?

      Is it true that Afghan Hounds are the dumbest and Border Collies are the smartest breeds?

      Is it true that Afghan Hounds are the dumbest and Border Collies are the smartest breeds? Dog Breed Discussions
    • There is no such thing as a dumb breed it all depends on the trainer and the dog, I would say that the border collie is smart but it has no difference from a german shepherd lab or andy other breed as long as they have good trainers.

    • Yes, you are right! Personally I have shown both (and own Border collies) and it is pretty funny how STUPID the afghans are! Half of the ones I showed knew their names, but would stare blankly at you...Of course, any dog can learn things. :-)Oh, and I agree with most of the other posters about "trainability"... Some dogs WANT to please and others WANT YOU to please them... :)

    • I don't necessarily think that you can call ONE certian breed dumb or smart. I think that it really depends on the smartness for the individual dog and the training it goes through. However, I do believe that mutts are extremly smart. They have the smartness of so many breeds in them. Im not saying that Border Collies arent smart and some Afgan Hounds arent stupid, I'm just stating that it really depends on the individual dog and the training it goes through! I hope this answered your question!

    • Check out the link below it lists them all by intelligence of highest to lowest, and border collie is listed as the highest with the afghan hound at the lowest just like you mentioned.

    • No, it's not true. This came from Stanley Coren's Dog IQ book. He used a few tests to rate "intelligence." This was based on his definition of intelligence.It's impossible to say what breed is "smartest" and "dumbest." Different breeds were bred for different things, and all dogs have their own personalities and behavior traits.

    • According to Stanley Coren, these are the 'smartest' and 'dumbest' breeds. That is the origin of the statements you gave.** Note that his tests tested *trainability*, which isn't necessarily intelligence. **1 Border Collie2 Poodle3 German Shepherd4 Golden Retriever5 Doberman Pinscher6 Shetland Sheepdog7 Labrador Retriever8 Papillon9 Rottweiler10 Australian Cattle Dog70 Shih Tzu71 Basset Hound72 Mastiff, Beagle73 Pekingese74 Bloodhound75 Borzoi76 Chow Chow77 Bulldog78 Basenji79 Afghan Hound can have different types of 'smart'. Some have excellent instincts for their various tasks and are independent, but may not always be as keen on taking orders from a human. There are many different kinds of intelligence other than just learning obedience commands..

    • No.Supposed "Intelligence" rankings are based upon a dog's trainability.... which really, has little to do with whether a dog is smart or dumb and has a lot more to do with:trainer's skilldog's desire to pleasedog's motivationdog's instinctgeneral ease of livability

    • Dear trixie's_mama,There is no such thing as a dumbest breed or a smartest breed. An Afghan Hound would be just as likely to win an agility trial as a Border Collie would. In my opinion, no dogs are dumb, and they all are very smart.Sincerely, Dwarf Hamsters R So Awesome

    • Afghans are not dumb! LOLThey're very aloof, and smart enough into tricking you into not training them!They are well known for opening child saftey locked cupboards, opening ovens, and stealing your roast without singing themselves, and generally doing every naughy and manipulative thing to get themselves out of having to work.They're not stupid!

    • Although different breeds have reputations for being smarter than others, like humans, I think it's an individual thing. I am sure there are some dumb border collies and smart Afghan hounds. Just cause a dog won't cooperate and "play ball" with a human doesn't necessarilly make the dog dumb, lol. Genetics play a big role, so does training. A border collie does have a great repuatation, as do Poodles, Shepards, etc, but some of the most successful and smartest dogs have been mixed breeds from dog pounds and shelters. You never can tell. I think a large part is up to who the trainer is and how much canine psychology and compassion he or she is tuned into. :-)***Actually, the resistance to be "trained" and psychologically dominated by a human might be interpreted as being very intelligent!

    • I dont believe that is there is a smartest or dumbest breed, as all breeds were bred for different tasks. Like kids, just because one kids is slower than another doesn't mean they are dumber, in fact they will probably be better because they had to work hard to get there!One may pick up on things quicker but both have the capabilities to do great things!

    • Afghans are not stupid and anyone who thinks they are does not know Afghans. They are QUITE willfull but do not mistake pigheadedness for ignorance as they are smart enough to know that if they are blatantly disobedient their owners will get frustrated and leave them alone. I have 7 dogs all have come from inexperienced owners and one of which was a very naughty Afghan. After one good "Mexican Stand-off" when I got her about 3 years ago she now knows that she cannot bully me into getting her way and has been one of the best dogs I have ever had. If ever there was a breed of dog out there that was not for everyone Afghans & Saluki top the list but also so are Border Collies. They are one of my favorite breeds of dog but sadly their intelligence (or need to be mentally stimulated rather)often lands them in shelters. Border Collies= Smart in a "likes to have a job to do and will excel at that job" wayAfghans= Smart in a "sneaky underhanded comic villan" way.