Why would running on a slippery floor be bad for a dog with an injured back?

I just had an argument with this guy i know who's dog has an injured back. The dog is taking pain killers but his owner has a tendency of playing with him on his slippery hard wood floor. The dog doesn't fall over much but he is slipping on the floor…

    Why would running on a slippery floor be bad for a dog with an injured back?

    I just had an argument with this guy i know who's dog has an injured back. The dog is taking pain killers but his owner has a tendency of playing with him on his slippery hard wood floor. The dog doesn't fall over much but he is slipping on the floor…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why would running on a slippery floor be bad for a dog with an injured back?...

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    • Why would running on a slippery floor be bad for a dog with an injured back?

      Why would running on a slippery floor be bad for a dog with an injured back? General Dog Discussions
      I just had an argument with this guy i know who's dog has an injured back. The dog is taking pain killers but his owner has a tendency of playing with him on his slippery hard wood floor. The dog doesn't fall over much but he is slipping on the floor alot. It seemed pretty obvious to me, but this guy wants a specific explaination as to why it would be bad for his dog. anything that would help me convince him to stop?

      Why would running on a slippery floor be bad for a dog with an injured back?

      Why would running on a slippery floor be bad for a dog with an injured back? General Dog Discussions
    • Duh, the dog could fall and re-injure his back. Same reason you don't want a dog with hip problems on a slippery floor, their legs could come out from under them and do more damage. This guy you're talkin about shouldn't be allowed to have this dog because he's stupid

    • If a person with a back injury slipped and fell, s/he could end up more badly injured or paralyzed. The same could happen to the dog. Maybe your friend doesn't really like the dog? All dogs need good traction so they don't slip, slide and hurt themselves. If your friend thinks it is funny to see the dog slip, slide and fall, I'd steer clear of anyone that sadistic or stupid.

    • For the same reason you'd put chains on a pickup truck to drive on ice. Just get a video of him doing it, and tell him you'll report him to the local SPCA if he doesn't stop. That constitutes abuse.

    • Any sudden jerk or movement could further injure the dog's back. Stairs should be avoided, throw rugs and slippery surfaces. It seems like common sense to me also that a slippery floor can cause unintended and unnatural movement of the spine or cause injury by sliding into a piece of furniture. Depending on the dog's size, go buy your friend some infant or toddler socks which are made with the rubberized decoration on the soles to prevent a child from slipping and becoming injured.

    • Well, on a slippery floor, the dog's legs are sliding all over and its whole body has to work to keep upright, including its back. In addition, when a leg slides out from under it, that action twists the spinal column. Dogs with back issues should be on floor surfaces with good traction and should be restricted from jumping on furniture or climbing stairs.

    • It puts pressure on his joints when he pushes himself back up, when he uses that pressure it pushes on his back. It could be painful to him. Here show him this. http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&C=153&A=1612&S=0 Go down past lawn mower to slippery floors and read it. It gives you the info you need to help that dog. Good luck.

    • If the dog does not have a good foothold on the ground, he can slip and reinjure his back. Much the same as if this guy had injured his back and tried walking on his wood floor in socks. Is this guy completely ignorant? If not, why does anyone need to explain this to him - it's pretty obvious. If he is completely ignorant, is he capable of properly caring for the dog? Do you think maybe a new home (yours, perhaps) might be in order?

    • the guy is an idiot. no matter what you tell him he wont believe it.i think you need to put the owner of that dog down. and find the dog a more responsible person