How will my dog react to losing another friend?

I have an elderly dog, and a few years ago, her companion had to be put to sleep due to cancer. We adopted another dog, and now she is going down hill a bit.I don't want my dog to have to mourn again, is there anything I can do to help her cope when her…

    How will my dog react to losing another friend?

    I have an elderly dog, and a few years ago, her companion had to be put to sleep due to cancer. We adopted another dog, and now she is going down hill a bit.I don't want my dog to have to mourn again, is there anything I can do to help her cope when her…...
    General Dog Discussions : How will my dog react to losing another friend?...

    • How will my dog react to losing another friend?

      How will my dog react to losing another friend? General Dog Discussions
      I have an elderly dog, and a few years ago, her companion had to be put to sleep due to cancer. We adopted another dog, and now she is going down hill a bit.I don't want my dog to have to mourn again, is there anything I can do to help her cope when her friend passes?

      How will my dog react to losing another friend?

      How will my dog react to losing another friend? General Dog Discussions
    • dog grief is a lot like human can comfort, but you cannot completely fix the pain. Start now spending extra time with your pup, becoming a companion to her. If you plan on getting another dog after this, maybe consider getting it before the other dog passes away, just so that she won't be completely alone. I know this has to be really hard on you, I cannot imagine losing my dog.

    • When you say the other dog is "going downhill", what does that mean? Is there anything that can be done for this other dog? You might try taking your dogs to the dog park, where they can interact with other dogs. Take your dog for walks, and car rides. Give your dog lots of attention. But, if there is anything that can be done for the sick dog, try to do that. Maybe even getting a second opinion, if you are uncertain that the diagnosis is correct. You never know.