Why do people ask perfect strangers about major medical problems with their dog?

I am talking about problems that haven't been diagonoised by a vet. E.g. my dog has been puking for 14 hours. Also asking what kind of medicine to give a dog for pain etc.

    Why do people ask perfect strangers about major medical problems with their dog?

    I am talking about problems that haven't been diagonoised by a vet. E.g. my dog has been puking for 14 hours. Also asking what kind of medicine to give a dog for pain etc....
    General Dog Discussions : Why do people ask perfect strangers about major medical problems with their dog?...

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    • Why do people ask perfect strangers about major medical problems with their dog?

      Why do people ask perfect strangers about major medical problems with their dog? General Dog Discussions
      I am talking about problems that haven't been diagonoised by a vet. E.g. my dog has been puking for 14 hours. Also asking what kind of medicine to give a dog for pain etc.

      Why do people ask perfect strangers about major medical problems with their dog?

      Why do people ask perfect strangers about major medical problems with their dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Because this is a help forum about pets?? Some people dont have money to take their pets to the vet in this crappy economy?? Because people are stupid??

    • They are being very ignorant and probably trying to save a few bucks. Unfortunately, too many people think pets are disposable and if they can fix 'em with a remedy at home they won't have to spend their "mad" money on a vet.They also probably think that if the pet dies they will just get another one.Too sad! But true.