How to train my old dog to not bark at other dogs while walking him?

he is over 10 years old and some dogs he barks at and some dogs he cries at. How do i make him stop barking at other dogs?without violence. i do not want to hurt my dog

    How to train my old dog to not bark at other dogs while walking him?

    he is over 10 years old and some dogs he barks at and some dogs he cries at. How do i make him stop barking at other dogs?without violence. i do not want to hurt my dog...
    General Dog Discussions : How to train my old dog to not bark at other dogs while walking him?...

    • How to train my old dog to not bark at other dogs while walking him?

      How to train my old dog to not bark at other dogs while walking him? General Dog Discussions
      he is over 10 years old and some dogs he barks at and some dogs he cries at. How do i make him stop barking at other dogs?without violence. i do not want to hurt my dog

      How to train my old dog to not bark at other dogs while walking him?

      How to train my old dog to not bark at other dogs while walking him? General Dog Discussions
    • Try focus training. This is a positive method that works wonders for reactive or excitable dogs. . . of any age, size, or breed. I would recommend that instead of using treats for this, you set aside 1/2 to 1/3 of your dog's meals (if you feed him dry kibble) for training. This will prevent obesity and increase motivation. Read about focus here first: read this on how to train it: time you walk past a dog, distract your dog with these focus exercises. If he simply CAN'T hold eye contact at all in the beginning, just feed him a steady stream of kibbles from your waist pouch--just enough to keep him from thinking about the other dog. The important thing is to keep him from starting the reactive behaviour. When you walk past a dog, immediately start the focus exercises--if you wait until he is reacting (ex. barking, twitching, staring, lunging, etc.). If you are good at this, he won't even begin to start the bad behaviours, but if he does, "snap him out of it" with a quick, light leash correction toward you and then immediately begin to feed him kibble. It is important to realize that the other dogs are not the issue, and that by removing your dog/the other dog it will not solve the problem (actually, it will make it worse. . . ) Be VERY persistent and intense in your training--make a point of practicing often and in the same way every time. If you are persistent and consistent, as well as patient and firm, he will soon modify his reactive behaviour to looking up at YOU (not the other dog--who cares about the other dog?) instead for guidance, instruction, rewards and praise!Good luck:)