What is it about animals with pawed feet that allow them to walk in snow and ice?

What I really want to know is how are animals with pawed feet (dogs, wolves, rabbits and such) able to with stand the cold of the snow and ice on their paws? Cause I know that if there is snow on the ground when I go out i want my feet completely…

    What is it about animals with pawed feet that allow them to walk in snow and ice?

    What I really want to know is how are animals with pawed feet (dogs, wolves, rabbits and such) able to with stand the cold of the snow and ice on their paws? Cause I know that if there is snow on the ground when I go out i want my feet completely…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is it about animals with pawed feet that allow them to walk in snow and ice?...

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    • What is it about animals with pawed feet that allow them to walk in snow and ice?

      What is it about animals with pawed feet that allow them to walk in snow and ice? General Dog Discussions
      What I really want to know is how are animals with pawed feet (dogs, wolves, rabbits and such) able to with stand the cold of the snow and ice on their paws? Cause I know that if there is snow on the ground when I go out i want my feet completely covered how do they do it? I give them credit.

      What is it about animals with pawed feet that allow them to walk in snow and ice?

      What is it about animals with pawed feet that allow them to walk in snow and ice? General Dog Discussions
    • The pads on their paws are thick and leathery to guard against cold. Also they spread out in snow just like snowshoes to give them more walking surface and the claws help with traction.

    • Aside from leather like pads, you will find a lot of snow dogs have a lot of hair between their toes which also pokes out downwards between them. They look like they have hairy feet!!!Between the thick skin & hair their feet stay warm.