My dogs paws are losing their normal dark color, is this normal?

HeyI have a Westie. I noticed that one of his paws is losing its normal black color, it almost looks like discoloration. Too, the paw is becoming pink. He doesn't act any different, he allows me to touch it, etc, so I don't think it hurts him, he's let…

    My dogs paws are losing their normal dark color, is this normal?

    HeyI have a Westie. I noticed that one of his paws is losing its normal black color, it almost looks like discoloration. Too, the paw is becoming pink. He doesn't act any different, he allows me to touch it, etc, so I don't think it hurts him, he's let…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dogs paws are losing their normal dark color, is this normal?...

    • My dogs paws are losing their normal dark color, is this normal?

      My dogs paws are losing their normal dark color, is this normal? General Dog Discussions
      HeyI have a Westie. I noticed that one of his paws is losing its normal black color, it almost looks like discoloration. Too, the paw is becoming pink. He doesn't act any different, he allows me to touch it, etc, so I don't think it hurts him, he's let me know when he's not feeling well in the past by his behavior. Anyone know if this is normal?Thanks.

      My dogs paws are losing their normal dark color, is this normal?

      My dogs paws are losing their normal dark color, is this normal? General Dog Discussions
    • My dog's paw pads do this all the time, from pink to black, to pink.right now they're in the process of turning pink.My vet told me to not worry about it unless its painful, or he seems to have issues walking.For the most part, many dogs go through it. his feet turned more black as he built calluses from walking and exercise. now that its cold and the walking outside is down to a minimum for his protection, the most he does is play inside on carpeted floor, so I think they're losing those calluses. but they'll turn black again as he goes outside for his spring/summer walks.there is salve/balm you can place on his pads that is all natural, no medications, and will protect against chapping and cracking.kinda like the chapstick of the feet. You can pick it up at petsmart. My vet okay'd it, but my dog hated as long as he's not distressed or painful, I wouldn't worry.signs to worry1. discomfort2. problems walking3. redness/swelling