What form of silica can help dogs paws heal?

My rough haired Jack Russell terrier is ten months old. We live in a rural location. About three months ago her paws became very red and started to lose fur. We tried tea tree oil on them as we thought that the cause may be fox mites. Things didn't…

    What form of silica can help dogs paws heal?

    My rough haired Jack Russell terrier is ten months old. We live in a rural location. About three months ago her paws became very red and started to lose fur. We tried tea tree oil on them as we thought that the cause may be fox mites. Things didn't…...
    General Dog Discussions : What form of silica can help dogs paws heal?...

    • What form of silica can help dogs paws heal?

      What form of silica can help dogs paws heal? General Dog Discussions
      My rough haired Jack Russell terrier is ten months old. We live in a rural location. About three months ago her paws became very red and started to lose fur. We tried tea tree oil on them as we thought that the cause may be fox mites. Things didn't improve. The vet gave her a course of steroids and anti-biotics, they didn't help. I have beeen told that silica can help, but I don't know where to get it or how to administer it. Thanks.

      What form of silica can help dogs paws heal?

      What form of silica can help dogs paws heal? General Dog Discussions
    • NEVER give your dog anything that isn't prescribed and approved by your vet. Dogs can react badly to medication just like we can, so always check with your vet first.