"My Shih-tzu has scabs on top of his head and his neck that he is constantly scratching how can I stop this

I found a few scabs on my dogs head so I took him to the groomer to cut off all his hair and make him more comfortable now their are even more on his head and neck! I had her cut his nails and hair and shampoo him, everything is the same at home ( he is…

    "My Shih-tzu has scabs on top of his head and his neck that he is constantly scratching how can I stop this

    I found a few scabs on my dogs head so I took him to the groomer to cut off all his hair and make him more comfortable now their are even more on his head and neck! I had her cut his nails and hair and shampoo him, everything is the same at home ( he is…...
    General Dog Discussions : "My Shih-tzu has scabs on top of his head and his neck that he is constantly scratching how can I stop this...

    • "My Shih-tzu has scabs on top of his head and his neck that he is constantly scratching how can I stop this

      "My Shih-tzu has scabs on top of his head and his neck that he is constantly scratching how can I stop this General Dog Discussions
      I found a few scabs on my dogs head so I took him to the groomer to cut off all his hair and make him more comfortable now their are even more on his head and neck! I had her cut his nails and hair and shampoo him, everything is the same at home ( he is a house dog, he rarely goes outside) what can I do to stop this scabs and for him to stop scratching them?

      "My Shih-tzu has scabs on top of his head and his neck that he is constantly scratching how can I stop this

      "My Shih-tzu has scabs on top of his head and his neck that he is constantly scratching how can I stop this General Dog Discussions
    • He could have a skin allergy, and the scratching may have caused the scabs. Ask you vet about some antihistamine shampoo, that will help with the itching. If it is an allergy you should try to figure out what it is he is allergic to, and get it outta there!

    • Take him to the vet. The Shih Tzu breed is prone to allergies. It sounds like that it his problem.Have you changed his food? Have you changed detergents in your home? Anything new that he has come in contact with? Is he on flea preventative? There are so many things it could be, the vet would be the best person to tell you.

    • The best thing you can do for your dog is to take him to a vet and find out what is causing the irritation in the first place. Since there are several things that can cause what you are describing, a vet trip will be the only way to get rid of it once and for all.

    • I think it might be an allergic reaction, and he is probably making it worse and worse by scratching. You will somehow have to get to the root of the problem. My shih tzu gets itchy occasionally. I use the Vets Best Itch Relief shampoo on him (sold at lots of places) - works pretty well. Might not work as well for you if it is in fact an allergy.

    • You need to have the vet look at him. There are so many things it could be - some very simple to fix and some not so easy. I am not saying this to scare you - but my mother-in-law had a Shih Tzu that started this same way - just a couple of scabs. This poor dog actually had some horrible "seeping" skin condition that made her have open sores that would not heal up. It would start to get better for a while then slam back worse then before. Eventually, she had the dog euthanized because they never did find a medicine or anything to give the poor thing relief. Not to mention having to have all the carpets ripped out because of the stains that we could not clean away from the open sores. Anyway, sorry about that but just making the point that sometimes what looks simple is not - so please go to the vet to be sure.

    • It could be a food allergy, I too recommend going to the vet but I also recommend getting him a food without corn or wheat as they are common allergies. Nature's Recipe, Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul, Canidae, Innova are 4 good ones (there are more but those were the first to come to my mind). Good luck.

    • i have a shitzu x maltese that had the same problem i got him shaved and nails cut but this only made it worse because his nails were even sharper. i was told to try using a soap free dog wash. that worked to a certain extent the i tried a herbal soap free dog wash it was baking soda and oatmeal and worked a miracle he doesn't itch anymore and even smells nice your dog may also need some quarter-zone tabs to help with the irritation . never use human shampoo on your dog because it will was away the natural oils on the skin and may cause itching.

    • My shih tzu had these earlier this month. My vet said that she was allergic to fleas and I bought Atvantage and the scabs healed and she did not get any more.Shih tzus are very prone to flea allergy, both my shih tzus from different breeders are allergic to fleas.