Do you believe that rubbing a dog's nose in their poo will help housebreak them?

I have been told for more than half of my life that I should rub the dog's nose in their poo to house break them. Does this really work?What is the basis behind this type of behavior modification?Doesn't it make more sense that it would actually just…

    Do you believe that rubbing a dog's nose in their poo will help housebreak them?

    I have been told for more than half of my life that I should rub the dog's nose in their poo to house break them. Does this really work?What is the basis behind this type of behavior modification?Doesn't it make more sense that it would actually just…...
    General Dog Discussions : Do you believe that rubbing a dog's nose in their poo will help housebreak them?...

    • Do you believe that rubbing a dog's nose in their poo will help housebreak them?

      Do you believe that rubbing a dog's nose in their poo will help housebreak them? General Dog Discussions
      I have been told for more than half of my life that I should rub the dog's nose in their poo to house break them. Does this really work?What is the basis behind this type of behavior modification?Doesn't it make more sense that it would actually just reinforce the behavior through negative reinforcement?

      Do you believe that rubbing a dog's nose in their poo will help housebreak them?

      Do you believe that rubbing a dog's nose in their poo will help housebreak them? General Dog Discussions
    • NO. DON'T DO THAT!! u know why?cuz they eat it!what u should do is every time he/she does something wrong, spray him/her with a spray bottle full of water. It's not bad for dogs and they hate it, so let them learn that way.

    • I think there are better ways, that is just gross. If you were potty training a child and he or she had in accident in their pants would you rub their nose it it??

    • my mom just used to spank her and rub her nose in it and then she'd tell me to go put her in the kennel so i'd put my dog in the kennel but give her a treat cuz i felt bad 4 her *and i didnt know any better* and she was housebroken

    • Picture this. You just got a brand new puppy. In fact, you’d consider it the cutest puppy in the entire world. You’re thrilled, excited, and can’t wait to spend day after day playing with your new puppy, laughing at all its funny antics. It’s kind of clumsy, but that just makes you love it even more.You take a break from playing to go and grab something from the kitchen. You’re gone for just a split second. You come back and that’s when you see it. It’s sitting there right in front of you on the brand new carpet. It’s horrific. It’s gross. It’s puppy poo!Now you’re angry. Your blood starts to boil. You’re ready to yell at your new puppy, rub its nose in the mess, and toss it outside. You’re about to give it the spanking of its life. But wait! Before you do that, keep reading to learn 5 helpful tips on how to potty train dogs.First, get your new puppy accustomed to going potty in the same spot every time and be sure to associate a word with the deed at hand. It can be any word, but asking the dog if it needs to “go potty” or “go poop” will help it learn the appropriate time and place to do so. In fact, after a few short times, you will probably notice your dog’s ears perking up when it hears those words, which is its way of telling you, “You bet I need to!”Secondly, when at all possible, try and take your dog outside to go potty at the same times each day until it understands what it is supposed to be doing. This will help the dog learn when to go and when not to go.Thirdly, with new puppies be sure to keep an eye on them at all times. In doing this, you’ll often be able to tell when they are about to have an accident, and you can quickly take them outside. It won’t take them long to “get it”.Fourth, when your dog goes potty in the right place, be sure to give it praise. Ultimately all it wants to do is please you and when it knows it has, it will want to do the right thing. Always use positive reinforcement and not negative reinforcement. Never yell at your dog or hit it when it has an accident. If you catch the dog in the act of going on the floor, a firm no is enough punishment. Then, immediately take the dog outside with a paper towel that has some of the mess on it. It will know what it has done wrong.Lastly, if you have to leave the dog alone for several hours, don’t be afraid to put it in a crate or lock it in a room. Dogs will rarely go potty in the places they consider to be “home”, so this is a good way to ensure that a new puppy will not leave you a nice present while you are gone.Learning how to potty train dogs can be frustrating, but by following the tips above, you’ll be well on your way to a “poop-free” carpet and a long, loving relationship with your new best friend!

    • Rubbing a dog's nose in anything does not teach the dog anything except that you are mean. Experts usually say try to watch the dog after it's eaten and when it looks like it might be ready to relieve itself, rush to get newspaper, or take him outside, so he can do it right and be praised for doing things well. Negative reinforcement usually backfires.

    • NO... No one should ever do this, it doesn't do anything but scare the dog. The only way to housebreak it to catch a dog in the act, firm no and take him outside and praise him when he goes.

    • Most ppl who rub their dogs nose in feces do so long after the deed has been done. They do not associate the act of doing the poo indoors to you coming in , crying foul & rubbing their nose in it. They'll just remember you enter room, got cross & did it.To toilet train you need to either catch them in the act & move them to designated spot or anticipate deed (e.g.. most poo after a meal) and have them in the area before the deed & then reward when they do the deed.Nose in poo is just plain gross & unnecessary.

    • Absolutely not! First of all it causes dogs to get infections up in their nose and once that infection hits the brain the poor dog dies all in the name of house training. Never hit a dog either that's fruitless and doesn't work just makes your dog either mean or terrified of you. Taking the pup out every hour then every 2 hours and so on until your pup has finally mastered house training. Make sure your trips out to go potty is not confused with play time. Act as if your on a mission to do one thing and that his the pup going potty. Patience is important.

    • i think it works with alot of dogs but why would you want to do that when there are ways of doing it that isn't cruel. i mean having their nose in it isn't that bad cuz they do that on their own anyways it's the grabbing of their neck and shoving their head into the floor. there are nicer ways to accomplish things