Do you believe that rubbing a dog's nose in their poo will help housebreak them?

I have been told for more than half of my life that I should rub the dog's nose in their poo to house break them. Does this really work?What is the basis behind this type of behavior modification?Doesn't it make more sense that it would actually just…

    Do you believe that rubbing a dog's nose in their poo will help housebreak them?

    I have been told for more than half of my life that I should rub the dog's nose in their poo to house break them. Does this really work?What is the basis behind this type of behavior modification?Doesn't it make more sense that it would actually just…...
    General Dog Discussions : Do you believe that rubbing a dog's nose in their poo will help housebreak them?...

    • It's just animal cruelty, plain and simple. Anyone who does that deserves to get bitten -- and badly.

    • uhhh nooo not true. Does not teach them anything other than you are going to yell at them everytime they pooh on the carpet which breaks that trust and bond with you. Yelling never works. There are proper ways to correct a dogs behavior. A trainer perhaps or an animal specialist. It was an accident usually. No dont do it and dont believe it. How would you feel if everytime you went on the carpet (imagine if you were a dog) and someone yelled at you how would you feel. Intimindated, scared, nervous? Yes of course you would.

    • No it doesn't. It teaches them to hide it, eat it and avoid going in your presence. Do you need a good method or are you just curious about this 'method'?The idea behind it is that the dog will associate the mess on the floor with not going in the house. Dogs are not capable of complex thought. Instead of associating the punishment with going inside, they learn that eliminating will make their owner upset. It also can cause submissive elimination (I've seen dogs explosively poo on themselves when confronted by their owner) and other fear-based problems.

    • If youthink about dogs who identify one anotheras well as learn all sortsof things about each other By scent, either piles of scat, scent marks or sniffing each others rears,Its fairly obvious thatsticking they're nose in they're pile isnt unpleasent to them, in fact some dogs would actually enjoy it.. as some dogs actually eat they're own feces... I would also say that while its possible to to embarass a dog, That usually intails forcing them to wear stupid clothing...Chances are Youwill turn your pet into a poop eater...The way to house break a dog is schedual schedual schedual ifthe dog isnt taken out , how can the dog relieve itself properly if the dog goes out at 9 one day 6 the next.. etc..

    • No. It only teaches a dog that the act of elimination is a bad bad thing. It's confusing to the dog because they have to eliminate. Getting angry with them and pushing their nose into it only teaches then to be ashamed that they did something that is only natural

    • Nope .. you will teach the dog that poop is bad.. Not pooping, or where he is pooping.. You can make a dog afraid to poop.. You can cause all sorts of problems training a dog with such aggressive and abusive measures.. Glad you know that this is wrong!