How do dog owner's work and care for their dog?

It seems like many people frown on working while having a dog.Back in the day, if you had a dog, it meant you were rich (thus not needing work.)Why do some seem to think it's impossible to have a job and a dog today? My relatives and friends all maintain…

    How do dog owner's work and care for their dog?

    It seems like many people frown on working while having a dog.Back in the day, if you had a dog, it meant you were rich (thus not needing work.)Why do some seem to think it's impossible to have a job and a dog today? My relatives and friends all maintain…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do dog owner's work and care for their dog?...

    • How do dog owner's work and care for their dog?

      How do dog owner's work and care for their dog? General Dog Discussions
      It seems like many people frown on working while having a dog.Back in the day, if you had a dog, it meant you were rich (thus not needing work.)Why do some seem to think it's impossible to have a job and a dog today? My relatives and friends all maintain jobs and have dogs as well. My cousin has a chocolate lab and works for an insurance company. Her dog Gracie is a very happy, well taken care of lab :)Dog's are a financial responsibility. How do you balance your life with your dog?Are you given criticism for working?

      How do dog owner's work and care for their dog?

      How do dog owner's work and care for their dog? General Dog Discussions
    • For most people, if you don't work, you can't afford a dog. No one criticizes me for working and having a dog. It is easy to manage if you work at it and plan your days right.I am of advanced years and can't remember a time when only the wealthy had dogs!

    • Im only 14 years old so i dont know.I would say these days the jobs are harder and alot of people have stress.They work to late and its hard for the to fit some time in there schedule for there dog.Figuring out a smart day lay out would work good but i guess people these days just dofnt care.Your Animal Helper,Bella

    • It's either have dogs or have a life really.Owners who just have a single dog can make it work quite easily, even two dogs.But any more than that and it gets tricky.I don't work any more, but when I did my social life was non-existent.I would get home from work and walk the dogs...Now walking the dog wasn't an hour trip up the road. I would have to walk one set of dogs for an hour, then come back home and collect another set and go back out for another hour!I figured if I was going to leave them in their kennels all day I owed it to them to let them out and let them be with me and socialize as soon as I got home, which meant no after work drinks on a friday night, no meeting up for coffee etc.Now that it's just my husband that work we can go out and enjoy the little things again.I am home most of the day to tend to the dogs so I feel no guilt leaving them alone for part of the night while we go out to a movie or dinner.

    • I do feel a little bad when I have to leave my dog to go to work to teach at a high school, but then I just remind myself that I have to make money to feed her and keep a roof over her head. Sure, she's home alone while I'm working, but she has access to a potty patch on the balcony (she's a corgi/beagle/something...) and as soon as I get home, we either go to the park or for a long walk together. She's currently zonked out on the couch, and I'm sure if she could talk, she'd say that she'd rather be home alone while I'm working and have the life she lives, than still be in the cage at the shelter, which is the alternative for many dogs if people don't get them simply because they work.You just have to make adjustments and accommodations. Like hiring a dog walker, or giving them a place that they can relieve themselves during the day.

    • I have 2 kids, 2 cats, a bird and 8 dogs. If my husband and I didn't work full time we could not afford to feed them all to say nothing about going to shows, OFA certifications, and all of that. I don't see how people that don't work can afford a dog.