How many moths does it have to be before a puppy can be called a dog?

I have a puppy. He is 4 months old already and im still feeding him with puppy food. I want to know how old must he be when can i feed him with the regular dog food.

    How many moths does it have to be before a puppy can be called a dog?

    I have a puppy. He is 4 months old already and im still feeding him with puppy food. I want to know how old must he be when can i feed him with the regular dog food....
    General Dog Discussions : How many moths does it have to be before a puppy can be called a dog?...

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    • How many moths does it have to be before a puppy can be called a dog?

      How many moths does it have to be before a puppy can be called a dog? General Dog Discussions
      I have a puppy. He is 4 months old already and im still feeding him with puppy food. I want to know how old must he be when can i feed him with the regular dog food.

      How many moths does it have to be before a puppy can be called a dog?

      How many moths does it have to be before a puppy can be called a dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Puppies should stay on Puppy Food until they are 1 year of age.Some really tiny breeds stay on puppy food longer.If in doubt you can always ask your Veterinarian.Enoy your puppy :o)