How should I introduce my dog to the neighbors new puppy?

I have a 70 lb one year old male lab mix. My neighbors just brought home a male 10-12 week old puppy. The puppy looks to be a pit mix. I think it would be a good idea to let the two get used to each other as soon as possible. What are your…

    How should I introduce my dog to the neighbors new puppy?

    I have a 70 lb one year old male lab mix. My neighbors just brought home a male 10-12 week old puppy. The puppy looks to be a pit mix. I think it would be a good idea to let the two get used to each other as soon as possible. What are your…...
    General Dog Discussions : How should I introduce my dog to the neighbors new puppy?...

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    • How should I introduce my dog to the neighbors new puppy?

      How should I introduce my dog to the neighbors new puppy? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 70 lb one year old male lab mix. My neighbors just brought home a male 10-12 week old puppy. The puppy looks to be a pit mix. I think it would be a good idea to let the two get used to each other as soon as possible. What are your suggestions for how to do that?

      How should I introduce my dog to the neighbors new puppy?

      How should I introduce my dog to the neighbors new puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • Whenever you introduce dogs, do it butt first!! I know it sounds weird and gross but that really is the best way to do it so that your dog doesn't feel threatened by the puppy. Just let him sniff the puppy and then put the puppy down and just let them interact on their own but stand close just in case.

    • introduce them on nuetral territory. for example, not your house or your neighbor's house because dogs tend to get territorial and can get frustrated and vicious at other dogs entering their territory.make sure both dogs are leashed just incase they dont get along you can take one back. just let them sniff eachother and if it looks like they get along then unleash them and let them play. if your dog pins your neighbors dog, thats a good thing, hes just putting the puppy in his place, just like a mother would correct her son if he plays too rough. i hope they get along! Good luck!

    • The two of you could exchange a blanket that the other animal has used. That way they can smell the other animal first, Do this several times and eventually, both of you take them to a neutral area, park or on a walk. Let them meet with noses first. Let them sniff. I know it's gross for us but it is how they get to know the other dog. If they play together in the park them they will be OK in the yards. The pit mix should really be encouraged to meet and greet a lot of dogs and people so he can be a good citizen.