what happens if puppy is not ready to be weaned but moms milk drys up?

My puppy is between 4 and 5 weeks old, the mothers milk dried up too soon, what should I do.

    what happens if puppy is not ready to be weaned but moms milk drys up?

    My puppy is between 4 and 5 weeks old, the mothers milk dried up too soon, what should I do....
    General Dog Discussions : what happens if puppy is not ready to be weaned but moms milk drys up?...

    • what happens if puppy is not ready to be weaned but moms milk drys up?

      what happens if puppy is not ready to be weaned but moms milk drys up? General Dog Discussions
      My puppy is between 4 and 5 weeks old, the mothers milk dried up too soon, what should I do.

      what happens if puppy is not ready to be weaned but moms milk drys up?

      what happens if puppy is not ready to be weaned but moms milk drys up? General Dog Discussions
    • At 4-5 weeks, the pup SHOULD be weaned. Make a puppy mush out of puppy milk and dog food...put them in the blender until they are a consitancy that the pup can easily eat. Getting the pup to eat something other than mother's milk is not really something you have an option on at this point.

    • 4 - 5 weeks is okay to wean. What you need to do is give them puppy formula mixed with dry puppy food. Buy some milk replacer or puppy formula (both in powder form) and mix it with warm water and add some puppy food. The pups should drink it Just fine (you may have to show them where it is by holding their noses over the bowl the first time). They should be just fine. We like to wean our little guys at 6 weeks, but we have had to do it at 4 weeks when we had the same problem with one of our mommies. The pups are doing just great, though. : )