How soon is too soon to bring home a new dog when my dog just died?

I love dogs and our family dog is such a important part of our lives. See my other question on my profile for the details of the loss of our dog.

    How soon is too soon to bring home a new dog when my dog just died?

    I love dogs and our family dog is such a important part of our lives. See my other question on my profile for the details of the loss of our dog....
    General Dog Discussions : How soon is too soon to bring home a new dog when my dog just died?...

    • Nobody else can answer this question for you. Just because you get another dog doesn't mean you loved the old one any less. If you think it will help just go for it!

    • It depends on when your ready. I personally, as bad as it looks to others, have decided to keep a full house of dogs, limits three in my area so I will always have three previously homeless pets. I still am typically grieving over a previous pet, but I also dont get a pet for emotional needs. I get mine because they need me to live. That doesnt mean I dont love them because I do, but I can only think of two things after the death of a dog, giving that opening to another dog that deserves it and the dog that died. Personally, I cant wait knowing hundreds are killed every day just for my emotional needs. Thats what makes me want to cry.

    • only you can answer this question. but what would your other dog want you to do? wait for a year, like some people are saying, or go out and save a life? it does not mean that you loved your dog any less, it means the healing process will be a little easier. and you and your family will be giving love to another dog, that desperately needs your help. good luck and god bless your little furbaby!