What is the best thing to do for a puppy allergic to grass?

I have been bathing her with an anti itch shampoo and rubbing a salve on her feet, belly and nose, but she still chews constantly. I have also tried bitter apple spray but I think this stings her when it's sprayed. Anyone have a similar problem and…

    What is the best thing to do for a puppy allergic to grass?

    I have been bathing her with an anti itch shampoo and rubbing a salve on her feet, belly and nose, but she still chews constantly. I have also tried bitter apple spray but I think this stings her when it's sprayed. Anyone have a similar problem and…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the best thing to do for a puppy allergic to grass?...

    • What is the best thing to do for a puppy allergic to grass?

      What is the best thing to do for a puppy allergic to grass? General Dog Discussions
      I have been bathing her with an anti itch shampoo and rubbing a salve on her feet, belly and nose, but she still chews constantly. I have also tried bitter apple spray but I think this stings her when it's sprayed. Anyone have a similar problem and good ideas? We keep her off the grass as much as possible but sometimes we can't help it.

      What is the best thing to do for a puppy allergic to grass?

      What is the best thing to do for a puppy allergic to grass? General Dog Discussions
    • Their are 3 ways to deal with allergies. 1- remove the allergen, 2- treat the symptoms, 3- desensitize them to the allergen, as in allergy shots. This involves getting allergy tests then a weekly allergy shot . If your puppy really is allergic to contact with grass, I would recommend getting the allergy tests and then desensitizing shots because grass is going to be pretty hard to avoid.