After a puppy opens there eyes about how long does it take for them to actually see?

Well my puppies just opened their eyes, and my mother said they can't see right away, so i was just wondering if anyone knows how long it takes for them to see. And if you have any rude remarks, comments, or simply something snitty to say, please go be…

    After a puppy opens there eyes about how long does it take for them to actually see?

    Well my puppies just opened their eyes, and my mother said they can't see right away, so i was just wondering if anyone knows how long it takes for them to see. And if you have any rude remarks, comments, or simply something snitty to say, please go be…...
    General Dog Discussions : After a puppy opens there eyes about how long does it take for them to actually see?...

    • After a puppy opens there eyes about how long does it take for them to actually see?

      After a puppy opens there eyes about how long does it take for them to actually see? General Dog Discussions
      Well my puppies just opened their eyes, and my mother said they can't see right away, so i was just wondering if anyone knows how long it takes for them to see. And if you have any rude remarks, comments, or simply something snitty to say, please go be bitter else were. Thank you.

      After a puppy opens there eyes about how long does it take for them to actually see?

      After a puppy opens there eyes about how long does it take for them to actually see? General Dog Discussions
    • They can already see, they just don't comprehend what they're seeing. They see light, dark, and motion, but don't know what to do with it, so it's as if they're blind.

    • It is very difficult to say. They say human babies take a few weeks to recognize moms face. Puppies see better than we do so maybe It will only be a few days. You will love watching them grow. I hope your mother dog does not mind you being close to them. When my sons were young My Chihuahua mother would put her four puppies to sleep and sit outside the whelping box and growl at the dad or any human going past. Paco was not allowed to play with the puppies until they were weaned. Even then she did not play she slept but she was very tired.