What kind of puppy should I buy for my son?

I have never owned a dog (only cats). I plan on spending the next year researching the perfect puppy for my son and then getting him his first puppy by the time is beginning to walk. I want a dog that is loving, sweet, very playful and also protective.…

    What kind of puppy should I buy for my son?

    I have never owned a dog (only cats). I plan on spending the next year researching the perfect puppy for my son and then getting him his first puppy by the time is beginning to walk. I want a dog that is loving, sweet, very playful and also protective.…...
    General Dog Discussions : What kind of puppy should I buy for my son?...

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    • Dog D O G Any...You people have missed one VERY important, operative part of the question/statement. "In A Year, When He Learns To Walk"... Puppies are wonderful for children to grow up with, however, you may consider an extra year for the child to develop just a tad more. They grow much faster(dogs)than kids and although labs are perfect for kids, the kids get pretty much hammered by the pup. And Lab puppies have very sharp teeth and love chewing on hands, arms legs...Anything else that they can get in their jaws. You also left out the part about where you live, City, country, 'burbs, makes a diff in how you keep a pet.