How do I deal with a new puppy who cries at night?

It was our first night last night with the new puppy, is it normal for him to cry when we leave him alone. How long does this last? Is there anything I can do to stop him crying...

    How do I deal with a new puppy who cries at night?

    It was our first night last night with the new puppy, is it normal for him to cry when we leave him alone. How long does this last? Is there anything I can do to stop him crying......
    General Dog Discussions : How do I deal with a new puppy who cries at night?...

    • if u keep him in a cage at night or in a different room then u.. try giving him a stuffed animal hes or she is lonely and needs someone too be near them jus like u would if u was all alone:o) if that doesnt help try walking the pup before bed and wear him out so he or she will be tired:o) that may make the pup sleepy... its about seperation anxiety is why the pup is crying....

    • I bought another crate just for the bedroom so my dog could be with us at night when he was just a puppy. That stopped the crying pretty much instantly. We had no problem with the crate in the bedroom because we intend to let our dogs sleep in our bedroom (in their own beds) at night anyway.All they want is companionship...why deny them of it? If you are worried about the "ugliness" of the crate in the bedroom, buy a crate cover :)

    • Believe it or not they can cry up to two months. It depends on the type of dog. If you leave it outside or if its an inside dog. If it is an inside dog, I would put up a cage in your room and have him sleep in the same room as you...that might help. If not all you can do is let him grow out of it. Hope this helps!

    • The first couple nights we had our new puppy my brother and I took turns sleeping inside the cage with him. It was very large and open at the top so we just threw a beanbag chair in there and slept on it with a blanket and he curled up next to us. After a few nights the blanket smelled of us and we were able to leave him alone with it and he would curl up and go to sleep on his own. Don't lose hope and by all means do not hurt or yell at the animal. You will only make it more scared. If he does behave in his cage alone make sure to reward him......

    • Get an alarm clock that makes a ticking noise and put it in with your puppy. Puppy's hear this and to them it sounds like a heartbeat. It worked with my two dogs. But it is normal for your puppy to cry, first he was with his mother and other puppies and now they are gone. Good luck and congrats on the new puppy. Wishing you many years of fun.

    • It depends on the puppy but what I do is to put him or her in a bassenet with a warm blanket and an alarm clock that ticks (symbolizing the mother's heartbeat- the puppy might be lonely after leaving his or her siblings and it should go away after a couple of nights Try to see if ti will behave well enough to stay in a room for it might be longing for companionship at first in a strange place and needs company.